
Does horse back riding work you harder than motorcycle riding?

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I love to do both but wich one works you out harder?? I have my own dirt bike and go to the track and everything, but not very many kids have horses where I live. I would like to sell my quad and get a nother horse but should i do it or not i don't even ride my quad anymore and i still have my yamaha ttr125 but i don't know what to do??




  1. I would say that you get a pretty good workout with both.  I have had horses all my life and ridden motorbikes all my life and both are quite physical.  If you were a top motox racer that would be physically more difficult, but just riding for fun would give you as much of a workout either way.  

    Over the years I have had a pinto, an Arab and an appaloosa.   Horses can be your best friend, a motorbike can't.

  2. a dirt bike is more harder but a horse can be a friend.

  3. Both will keep you in shape, but I would say the bike will give you a better work out, upper body strength.

  4. Just to say I agree with Auburn, but would like to say I have fallen in love with a few bikes and treat them better than my best friends. sad really,  but true.  and I never met a bike with a bad temperament.

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