
Does human evolution ever end?

by Guest65252  |  earlier

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Humans are still evolving right?




  1. Yes and no.

    Yes, human evolution has, most likely, ended; no, we are not still evolving.

    Most species, for most of their existence, do not continue changing. Given that we're numerous and widespread, I doubt that any advantageous change would be able to spread throughout the species. And we mix too much.

    Also, given technology and culture, there's little or no environmental pressure for us to evolve. Human evolution is now cultural evolution, not physical.

  2. Human evolution will end when the Human Species becomes extinct, or we evolve to the point where there are sufficient genetic differences between humans and the new species to call it a new species.

  3. Of course we are. In response to tehabwa, lack of evident change in an organism does not mean lack of evolution; that form is being maintained because it is succesful, which is the essence of natural selection.

    Its short sighted of us to say no to this question just because we don't see a change in form. Equally, just because we are not predated upon, can prevent disease and show high population admixture, this does not mean that all traits become equal, and gene frequencies become static.

  4. No - human evolution will never end (unless the species becomes extinct).

    And Yes - humans *are* still evolving.

    "Evolution" is defined as "A change in the frequency of alleles in the gene pool of a population of organisms".

    This is, and always will occur in all populations; the *rate* might change, but the process itself is inevitable.

  5. i think humans are the peak of evolution. we will destroy the planet before there is a chance for more evolution to take place. what other creature has caused as much damage as humans have? we are the end of the road, so to speak.

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