
Does humidity change through night and day?

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I did a study to see whether the city I live in creates an urban heat island to collect the data I crossed the city and then I went back again to collect an average reading. I collected the temperature and humidity at many different sites and as I expected the temperature had changed from when I first visited the site and then later on when I revisited the site and I was just wondering if the same would happen for humidity for example should it increase or decrease slightly later into the night and why.

Sorry if it didn't make much sense it was hard to put into words.




  1. I hope you mean relative humidity.In that case,it definitly changes during the course of the day as it varies with temperature.If you compare the records(continuous values recorded on a chart) from the thermograph and hygrograph for a particular day,you can see that the lowest humidity value is recorded when the temperature is maximum and vice versa.

  2. Humidty is caused by High Pressure, not by night or day.

  3. Do you mean relative or absolute humidity? Relative humidity is constantly changing with temperature changes, but I'm sure you knew that. Absolute humidity is a little trickier. It too can change over the course of a day, primarily due to evaporation from the ground and water bodies, condensation as dew or frost, and incursion of drier or more humid air from outside the area. Measuring the dew point will give you an idea of how the absolute humidity is changing.

  4. Night or no night will not affect humidity only temperature,pressure...When that area u went is too hot maybe because of summer,heat will not escape an u will not  much because of water vapour which can not escape because the atmosphere is already humid(moistured.this is high humidity.

  5. Yes,humidity is affected by temperature changes.

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