
Does humidity in air affect the wind?

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Does humidity in air affect the wind?




  1. The presence of water vapour in the atmosphere as invisible gas attributes to it the property known as humidity.If we say that the air is humid,it simply means it contains moisture(water vapour).The water vapour mixed with air  behaves like any other gas.In particular it contributes its own pressure to the total pressure of the atmosphere.The pressure of a sample of air  containing water vapour is the sum of the partial pressures of the air and vapour.It has been found that the density of water vapour is 5/8 of the density od dry air.So,the air which is a mixture of water vapor and dry air will be lighter than pure dry air.In other words moist air is lighter than dry air.

    We know that the atmosphereic pressure at any level over a place is the weight of the overlying column of air over unit area at that level.Hence if moist air present  over that place,the atmospheric pressure over that place will be less which may lead to the formation of a low pressure area .We know that wind moves from high pressure area to low pressure area.Hence winds may start blowing from the surrounding high pressure areas over that place.Thus wind is affected by humidity.

    In fact the energy of a tropical revolving storms such as hurricane(Which produce strong winds) is derived from the latent heat of condensation of the ascending moist(humid) air.So humidity only produces the strong winds in the hurricanes.  

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