
Does immigration need to be tightly controlled

by Guest66804  |  earlier

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in order for it to benefit a country?

What is the point in letting in unskilled workers, uneducated people, those with no or few financial resources, those who cannot speak the language of the country and those with questionable criminal backgrounds? How does this benefit a country?

Sure the only benefit a country receives from immigration is when it involved highly skilled/educated, financially solvent, well-vetted individuals who have something to contribute to the country they are coming to?




  1. Immigration needs to be Stopped . Until every illegal or other undesirables who have entered through the back door are sent home

    Until every legal immigrant is housed and catered for ,and then only if we could afford to take in any more should we actively set controls.

  2. Within the EU it should be controlled too.

  3. Immigration does need to be strictly controlled.  We live on a small island and if allowed to go unchecked we can look forward eventually to civil strife.  Do you remember the experiment carried out many years ago using rats introduced into a model town,? the experiment was to see what would happen if more and more rats were introduced into the same space, initially the rats coped with situation but eventually they became so overcrowded they began to fight, kill and cause havoc until the numbers reduced.  This could happen within the human population of the UK in the future if Immigration is not now strictly controlled. This has nothing to do with race, ability, gender, etc, but sheer overcrowding will cause our downfall.  

  4. hmm nah you want a decent mix.. y'see, we still need someone to serve us mcdonalds, clean our toilet bowls and change our kids' nappies. Before the whole EU floodgate opened, labour was more costly, and so were prices. the highly skilled ones are there to boost the general economy.

  5. your quite right,i cannot understand either,they should be able to speak english and had a friends hubby a self empployed and finding it hard as hes a builder and alot of companys are employing foreigners at well below average pay.its harder for him to get jobs its just not check should be done on them comming into the country we have enough criminals who are british let alone other

  6. theres far to many unskilled workers being allowed into this country, claiming benefits of all kinds, it should be stopped

  7. The current governments policy has simply been to not question immigration and just let anyone in. It has been a disaster and just as you said, we have the workforce here. But because of the god awful benefit system they simply wont do the work that a pole will do. The polish invasion has highlighted one thing, and that is the awful effect the welfare system has had on the work ethic in this country. Someone in our government needs to be made accountable. Eastern europeans have invaded the uk and many have brought some pretty bad habits with them. Vote Ukip, dont listen to the tories, they just say what people want to hear and then will do the same as the current lot.  

  8. The problem is the EU we have an open door policy to all in the EU.

  9. Well, lets see!

    Yes! we need to control our borders a lot better because there's a lot of terrorist that are wanting to get in and kill us. Other immigrants just want in to work and support their families.

    Immigrants do the work most citizens don't want to do, and that's the truth, but citizens will use the wages excuse. With them working for lower wages, lets the employer make bigger profits and that brings the savings into your pockets because they can keep their prices low.

    The language barrier only creates more jobs for interpreters and revenue to advertising companies. I bet if you ask an advertising company about that, they'll tell you the same.

    If the US only has highly skilled educated workers, who's going to do the hard work? not them! Americans have easier alternatives. When they have a little piece of paper, it makes them think that they are god, so you can forget about them even looking at a shovel.

    Illegal Immigrants are consumers and pay taxes to. They pay Billions in taxes every year, and make Billions in purchases to. They need a place to live, they need to eat, they need cloths, and they also like luxuries like electronics.

    So to sum things up.....the US needs them, but not too many! or they wouldn't have ever created Amnesty.

  10. There is very little point letting unskilled people in - basic cost/benefit analysis. With UK state schooling we do produce enough unskilled people as it is.

    A minimum wage job pays very little in taxes and what ever is paid recouped in housing benefit, NHS, family tax credits etc etc.

    A more stringent immigration policy needs to be put in place - like Canada, Australia & New Zealand etc.

    Edit - since EU members are free to work in the UK, then immigration from outside the EU needs to be curbed, so only the highly skilled can get a work visa etc.

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