
Does implantation bleeding happen for every pregnancy?

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I want to be pregnant so bad, but I feel like I'm not because of I haven't experienced any bleeding yet. This is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st one was my beautiful son (now almost 4) and my second one resulted in miscarriage and now we are trying to conceive and are really hoping it has happened. Any suggestions? I'm not supposed to start my period until the Sept 2, 2008, but I hate the waiting period of knowing or not knowing. I have had a few symptoms, but I don't know if they are PMS or pregnancy. Any encouraging words will work! Thanks in advance.




  1. No, infact it is more common to not have implantation bleeding. Only about 25% of women experience implantation bleeding.  

  2. short answer NO ...I have never had implantation bleeding and I have had six pregnancys ,one ended in a late miscarriage but the other five are all healthy.I know its hard to wait ,and its easy to interprete every little thing as a sign ...Try to keep busy and not think of it if you can will happen...

  3. I never noticed any with either of my pregnancies... doesn't mean it wasn't there just didn't notice.

  4. I had no implantation bleeding at all.  I hated the wait as well. Good Luck! Baby Dust to you!

  5. Good luck and baby dust to  you!

    I am in the same boat.  TTC#2 after a very early miscarriage last cycle.

    you don't always get implantation bleeding. only 20 to 30 percent of women get IB

  6. implantation bleeding is the exception not the rule - actually it's quite rare. most women don't experience it.

    i'm in the same boat - and the waiting is terrible, i know. i'm due around the 29th August but i can't really tell because my period is irregular. however i'll be testing next friday.

    i don't have any symptoms yet - tough i feel like my sense of smell is heightened. however, i think it's still both early to tell - we have to be patient and wait.

    last month i had all the pregnancy symptoms from a to z and then AF came!

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