
Does $$$ improve attractiveness?

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Your thoughts on why/why not?




  1. No because the real beauty isn't on the oustside. It's deep inside you in your personality.

  2. 1.  No, because you can be with a rich person and easily have their personality drag your possibilities down more than the money "broadens your horizons"

    2. No; because any rich man/woman with brains (that's how most of them got that far) will say you need to earn what you use.

    3. No: because living with someone doesn't even vaguely imply you are attracted to them.  A rich man could spend the day having s*x with other women while his wife invites men into his husband's home to cheat and vice-versa for women to men.  What money often does is compartmentalizes attractiveness away from the relationship, rather than promote it within the relationship.

       Going back to the other example: yes Bill Gates lives with Melinda, but, judging by how they behave in public, I doubt they have much of a s*x life IE they aren't truly attracted.

  3. Money don't improve anything.

  4. True. Look at some movie stars before picture, before they were riche and famous. They look very average. You only have to use your common sense to answer this question. If you are born good looking but you are very poor and have to work really hard over a long period of time, how long do you think before you get burn out and start to look bad? On the other hand, if you are born below average but you are really rich, you diet, exercise, have no stress, maybe a little plastic surgery, you can look above average in no time. So the answer is yes, money can do magic.

  5. I can answer that by telling you to look at Bill Gates and then look at his wife. Then you tell me - does money improve attractiveness......(I'll give you a hint - YES it does)

  6. Beats the rapolli out of lipstick and rouge.

  7. Yes. It does.

    Look at it this way, which of the following is always the one used in metaphor to describe the ideal man or the one she is going to marry ? Prince charming or the Knight in shining armor ? Royalty all the way... Knights are poor (they just get to do all the leg work)... So what if the Knight saves her from certain death, a giant fire breathing dragon or eternal imprisonment... The Prince is the one with the bling bling... The Prince never does anything in those fairy tales, he just has to show up...

  8. To a girl it does because women are attracted to security.

  9. women place more value on money than men, perhaps

  10. SHOULD it?  No.  DOES it?  Yes.  That's why I never tell any of my dates how much I have; if they stick with me, they'll find out - if they don't, they were merely gold diggers in the first place, and I'm better off without them.  Like was said earlier, just look at how many rich people have much younger spouses.  I'm not saying that they may not LOVE each other; I'm just saying that the only reason they got together in the first place is because of the money and/or celebrity.

    Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes

    Harrison Ford/Calista Flockhart

    Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher

    Michael Douglas/Katherine Zeta-Jones


    Oh, and how could I forget the famous Anna Nicole Smith and Howard Marshall II, may they both rest in peace.

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