
Does independence truly make any country free?

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Does independence truly make any country free?




  1. No---it is the willingness of the people of that country to fight if necessary to  protect their freedom and to keep a vigilant eye on their government to see that this independence is carried out----if apathy abounds than freedom is lost.

  2. A country is free to the extent that its people are free from the control of its government.

    That is the power of our Bill of Rights, particularly the 10th Amendment which says that any "powers not delegated to the Unites States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People."

    This keeps power in the hands of the people themselves and prevents the central or Federal government from taking away their individual rights unless they are specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

    That makes us the most free nation on earth. At least for now.

    Happy Independence Day.

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