
Does insurance cover you if you get hurt when you still have coverage but it cancels right after?

by Guest55579  |  earlier

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So I had short term coverage which expired this past Friday (I did not know it was going to expire this day or I would not be in this spot). The day before it expired I hurt my knee playing basketball. I went to the doctor on Thursday (while I was still covered), and he said to keep it iced and all that stuff.

Should the company who I had coverage with be obligated to cover me since I was with them when this happened?






  1. It is hard to say. You have to check it out is some useful information for your question might be helpful.

  2. No. Your policy is going to pay claims based on date of service, not by date of injury. It will only pay for claims from dates of service before your cancel date.

  3. Health insurance covers you, if it's in force, at the time the services are rendered.  NOT if the accident happened at that time.

    Once the policy lapses, it doesn't cover any doctor visits that happen after the lapse.

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