
Does intelligence matter?

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Do you feel that your success / failure in life is dependent on your intelligence or something else? And if so, what? :-)




  1. Partly, but that's not all it takes. Qualifications are a given in most cases. Ambition is becoming the deciding factor.

  2. Not on my intelligence but on my will to succeed.  Anyone can have tons of intelligence but that person must use it in order for it to be of any use.

  3. Yes, intelligence is important, but there are various ways to measure intelligence. A persons grades and qualifications are not the only measure of intelligence, neither is the fact that a person might read a lot. Intelligence can come from normal everyday life. A lack of intelligence would get a person nowhere. Knowing how to not annoy people is an aspect of intelligence aswell as being something that can contribute to success.

  4. i think intelligence has very little to do with how far we get in our lives.  far more helpful are things like likeability, outward attractiveness, emotional intelligence, and drive.  character and ones perceived morals are the things we are judged on daily.  the truth is 80% of all humans fall within just a few points of one another in the realm of raw intelligence.  surely, it's something else that sets the most successful people apart.

  5. I believe that the role of intelligence in determining one's success in life is similar to the role of height in determining one's success at basketball.  

    Can a short person still be a talented basketball player?  Certainly, but taller players don't have to work nearly as hard as shorter players do--they were born with a natural advantage.  And those who are considered "the best" will almost invariably always be tall players, even though there are talented short players out there.  

    It's the same with intelligence--smart people have a natural advantage and don't have to work nearly as hard for success.  Less intelligent people can still be very successful if they work really hard for it, but they will probably never be as successful as the most successful intelligent people.  Still, that's no excuse not to try.  You will only ever be dealt one "hand" in life so you might as well play it as well as you can.

  6. Intelligence, discipline and work ethic.

  7. It's amazing what my intelligence and my husband's intelligence is processing right about now.

  8. It matters, but it isn't the only factor in determining whether or not a person will be successful in life. Things like motivation, creativity, and personality, social status, money, connections, etc.  can be just as important.

  9. Intelligence is helpful, but it's not the only factor to success.  Actual knowledge does not come automatically with intelligence.  Knowledge comes from experience and applying what one has learned.  

    Luck also factors in.  That usually comes with a greater willingness to take chances.  You have to actually be there participating in life.  Contrary to popular belief, opportunity doesn't just come and knock on your door.

  10. Intelligence most definetely does not always matter. Your attitude determines your altitiude.

  11. ..intelligence (as in formal education) and acquired knowledge through experience matters.. but i can't say failure, or success is dependent on these things alone.. (to me) they are like tickets to let you in on the game.. honesty, benevolence, and courage usually matter more in the long run.

  12. Common sense is much more important. Most employers do not have the common sense to know this.

  13. I think knowledge and life skills are very important, because without them I wouldn't know how to look after myself and keep myself safe. But success to me would mean making a difference to someone else; being a good wife or mother, and you don't necessarily need academic qualifications for that. So, I think my successes or failures in life depend on my character as a whole.

  14. Absoluteley, my dear. But intelligence is not exactly same that university career.

  15. Of course it matters, but on its own, intelligence will not take you too far...

    One needs determination and self motivation...which, I believe, can take you much farther in life than merely intelligence.

    EXCELLENT answer, by the way, Rebel F!

  16. Education matters in life.

  17. It depends on your definition of success.

  18. Success and failure are dependent on intelligence, luck, the willingness to take risks, hard work and many more things.

    If by success you mean financial security and the making of vast sums of wealth, then I'd have to argue the playing field is terribly slanted for people who already have money.

    Personally, all the 'big breaks' I received in my life were happy turns of chance. I believe in luck.

  19. Not in here it doesn't. When most of the questions are to the tune of do you like waffles or pancakes or some other garbage, intelligence is useless. In real life, yes it matters.

  20. I feel it depends on a combination of intellect, common sense, and work ethic.

    One can have all the book smarts, but get no where in life because of lack of common sense. One can be smart as a whip, and rocket scientist intelligent, but get no where because they're lazy.

    And one can work until they're practically dead, but if they lack intelligence and common sense, they will achieve nothing and work for no results.

  21. Yes. Of course there are many other factors - luck, emotional intelligence, charisma, social environment, genes, etc. But certainly intelligence matters.

  22. I believe intelligence absolutely contributes to one's success, however, being in the right place at the right time or having rich parents (Luck, luck) also helps.

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