
Does international drive or the theme parks at florida orlando get hit by hurricanes in september season ?

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Does international drive or the theme parks at florida orlando get hit by hurricanes in september season ?




  1. Yes there very well can be.

    September is the peak of hurricane season there is a good chance a hurricane could make landfall in Florida sometime soon.

    I'd watch the weather closely before you go.

  2. eliz is right its accually impossible to think that its never gonna hit florda and places lik that eliz should get best answer.GREAT JOB!

  3. ive been nurerous times over the years and never had any but there has been a couple of warnings i dont think any have ever hit idrive or walt disney before,

    The hurricane season in Florida runs from the beginning of June to the end of November with mid August to mid October being the height of the season .

    There are two seasons for tornadoes, the main one being in the summer between June and September and a more deadly spring season between February and April, encouraged by the jet stream

    Recent Incidents

    In February 1998 a tornado hit Kissimmee near Orlando killing 25 people, most of those killed lived in trailer homes, many of which were not built to withstand such high winds.

    In 2004, four hurricanes (Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne) hit the Florida coast, causing over 20 deaths and more than $40 billion in damage.

    In 2007, severe thunderstorms, accompanied by three tornadoes swept across Central Florida north of Orlando leaving a trail of death and destruction. Lake, Sumter and Volusia Counties bore the brunt of the storms and 21 people died in the towns of Lade Lake and Paisley in Lake County.

    The chances of being hit by a hurricane or a tornado in Florida are pretty slim but it pays to be informed. It is important to keep up to date on weather conditions by listening to the radio or watching TV.

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