
Does international trade benefit all? If so, why? If not, why not?

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Does international trade benefit all? If so, why? If not, why not?




  1. Theoretically yes.  If I have a widget for sale, the larger the potential market, the more likely I am to sell it.  Similarly, if someone in a remote location wants to buy it, lack of trade barriers helps them.  But like all deals, there are good ones and bad ones and fair ones.  If I have to sell at below my cost due to foreign dumping, or if I have to pay a high price because of international cartels and monopolies, then the cheaters will prosper and the little guy suffers.  Make that the big corporations profit and the third world suffers.

  2. No.

    Because there will always be protectionism and monopoly in trade game.

    This is called CAPITALISM.

  3. I dont think any one thing can benefit every single person in the world. When it comes to international trade inparticular no it does not benefit all, it does however benefit the majority of people. If this wasnt the case then why are over 150 countries member of the WTO, including developing countries who at times it has disadvantaged.

    International trade increases competition, lowers prices and gives more choice to everyone.

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