
Does internet p****y contribute to inflation?

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Does internet p****y contribute to inflation?




  1. it is likely that it does. p****y leads to lost sales which means the company will have to either charge more to recover those costs.  but they will not be able to completely recover their losses and therefore they have less money to reinvest in the growth of the company cause prices to rise but no economic growth to match it.

  2. Yes.

  3. p****y causes Inflation :

    p****y causes huge losses for owners of software, music and other property. According to a study of the Business Software Alliance, in 2003, losses due to pirated software (thus, only software, not the other properties) were $29 billion, 36% of all software is pirated. And in 2004 and 2005 this amount has only been growing and will keep growing in the future. With the emerging technology (maybe Web 2.0), p****y will be easier because of open standards; that is why this is an emerging problem for our topic. In the future, Intellectual Property laws has to decrease the amount,the easiness and the temptation of p****y.


    1. State of the technology: peer to peer sharing, do not need to buy software of music, just download it from someone that put his softare online via peer to peer sharing. Technological developments have made it cheaper and easier to make copies of information. Printing was a great advance: it eliminated the need for hand copying of documents. Photocopying and computers have made it even easier to make copies of written documents. Photography and sound recordings have done the same for visual and audio material. The ability to protect intellectual property is being undermined by technology. Yet there is a strong push to expand the scope of ownership of information.

    2. Inflation, decreasing economy:music becomes luxury,more and more expensive-> increasing temptation to p****y

    3. Everyone is doing it, almost impossible to track down the pirates and punish them

    4. Booming of the internet industry

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