
Does invisalign really work?

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I'm thinking about getting them. I have some spaces in my teeth and a small gap and I wondered will they work. And how much do they cost?




  1. No it doesnt work that well

    Like the other person said

    Its good as a reutainer

    But it only works if you have small issues.

    For me I had a crooked tooth at the front so I needed braces.

    Invisalign is basically useless

    But you can ask your orthodontist about getting special braces where they put the brackets on the back of your tooth so theyre hidden. That does cost more but it works way better than Invisalign and you can get the process done faster.

  2. i used them as retainers after i got my braces off. they were good for me, much easier then metal braces. not sure about $

  3. they are actually less money then regular braces :D

    they work. my mom just got them.

    you get a new pair every so often. and your teeth get whiter too!

    and you have to brush your teeth everytime you put them back in. (makes you kind of think before eating that midnight snack, right?)

    alot less painful too. they dont rip up the inside of your mouth like regular braces.

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