
Does is it make you mad when the CFL refers to them as Regina and not not Saskatchewan?

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For me personally, it makes me mad. It seems like they (CFL) think the team belongs only to Regina and the province it self dont care about the team.

Also in the begining the commentators will says "Welcome to Regina" when it should be "Welcome to Saskatchewan".




  1. Probably cause the riders play in a city .  You dont want fans wondering all over saskatchewan looking for the riders?  The fans would probably think theres two sask, like que. que city, and ny and nyc.  lol :)

  2. Let's see, the team is the Sakatchewan Roughriders, and they play where?  Oh, yeah, in REGINA!  That is where their home stadium is!

    Now please find something important to fret about.

  3. No!!!

  4. I'm from Victoria and I get upset when they yap about Vancouver and the Lions, because there are some pretty big buses of islanders going over to support the PROVINCES team. I know how you feel! But, I don't know if people if people in Saskatoon hate Regina as much as so many Victorians hate Vancouver. ;)

  5. Why should they say "Welcome to Saskatchewan" when the game's being played in Regina?  You wouldn't happen to be from Saskatoon, would you?

    Besides, anybody who's ever been to Saskatchewan knows that the entire province cares about the Riders.  What difference does it make when the news reports mention their hometown?  I can't say I've ever seen anyone refer to them as the Regina Roughriders, so I think you're overreacting...

  6. Tell when you drive to Regina does the sign at the side of the road say "Welcome to Saskatchewan" or "Welcome to Regina"? I think you're just upset because you know that Calgary's going to clean up this year.

  7. NO.  I was able to get over it.

  8. Yes it does

  9. Let an American CFL fan throw in his 2 cents...The Riders are like the Green Bay Packers in the NFL..sans all the drama. What I mean is that the team is fan owned and the fans are rabid. Nearly every person in Wisconsin is a fan of the Green Bay Packers. They are in a small town (relatively) called Green Bay. No one is mad about this. They don't care about the fact that Green Bay is attached to the team and just support them as their own.

  10. Any British Columbian take offense when the Lions are referred as from Vancouver?

    I rest my case.

  11. It's been 30 years since I heard anybody in the CFL refer to the 'Regina Roughriders'.

    Y'know, this is not a big issue. Chill, dude.

  12. I just wrote about this in another site!!!  2 games ago, the wonderful (note the sarcasm) TSN commentators actually did refer to them as the "Regina Roughriders"!  It is Saskatchewan's team and the Saskatchewan fans love their Riders, not just Regina!  I have also heard this on news radio programs.  Not much you can do about those with less intelligence though...

    I don't mind it that the commentators say "Welcome to Regina", as that is where they play.

  13. We need CFL teams in:


    Vancouver (done)

    Calgary (done)

    Edmonton (done)

    Regina (done)


    Winnipeg (done)

    7 teams in the West


    London, ON

    Hamilton (done)

    Toronto (done)

    Ottawa (done)



    7 teams in the East

    Would that not be sweet?

  14. It doesn't bother me but then I live in Ontario. Where we have two and sometimes three CFL teams. Maybe some day four or three depending on the Ottawa team whatever they are going to be called.

    The Regina Roughriders (not to be called the Rough Riders) became the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 1948 when the other professional football teams in Saskatchewan folded.

    If other cities in Saskatchewan want to form a football team please do. Only call them something unique like the Bluebombers. Not to be confused with the Blue Bombers. Which by the way were not named after a beer or otherwise since the beer name came from the label colour of Labatt's Pilsener to distinguish it from Molson's Pilsener. (Canadian)

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