
Does israel exist in your book?

by  |  earlier

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i mean the State of Israel !!duh




  1. Of course (I really cant get your question!!!)

  2. What book are you talking about?

  3. No , state of Israel do not Exist in our Book. Children of Israil / Tribe of Israil do exist.

  4. Heck No!!!

    only Palestine!

    Long Live Palestine!

  5. there is no such thing as israel

  6. Er, why not? It's a country on Earth.

  7. What book?

  8. Only since WW2.

    I don't know why we don't just give them New Jersey.

    It would be so much easier on the world.

    Amazing how this minority trumps all the others.

    Must have something to do with money.

  9. Well if it exists in the book of Allah then it does in mine too. I don't have to love them coz Allah has detested them in many verses of the Quraan.

  10. If not, some cartographers have a lot of work ahead of them.

    And what the #@$%$  do I do with this ticket to Tel-Aviv?

  11. Can't really get your question.

    The land of Israel that belongs to the Jews does exist in Quran (Ref. 17:104). It states that when the promise (Note-1) comes to pass before the Judgement day, they will be pulled out of the nations and gathered in the promised land (Israel).

    But what is your objective of the question?

    Note-1:  The promise is hinted in the Quran, BUT it is very difficult for a normal reader to grasp it.

  12. which book ?  in Quran ?

    (Chapter 2- 40) O children of Israel! Remember My favors which I bestowed upon you; fulfill your covenant with Me and I will fulfill My covenant with you, that you should fear none but Me.

    (Chapter 2 - 47) O’ Children of Israel! Remember My favors which I bestowed upon You; that I exalted you above all other nations.

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