
Does it annoy anyone else, when you ask a Q, and the christians tell you to read the bible?

by Guest56976  |  earlier

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Im asking a question on here, so i dont have to read the bible!!!

Thats the whole point of Yahoo Answers you know!!!

Its like asking a word means and someone answering with 'look it up in the dictionary'

Does it annoy anyone else? cuz the christians seem to do it a lot in my questions!




  1. yes but most things christians do or say annoy me

  2. 2 things:

    1) If you had read and tried to understand the Bible, you would not need to ask the questions.

    2) To take some anonymous person's word for a Bible belief without checking it yourself is the height of stupidity!  What else are you so gullible about?  Certain politicians dream of having you around.

    *) If you did use a dictionary, you would remember the spelling and meaning.  If you are afraid of learning, then I guess your way is safer--for others.

  3. They have no answers and cannot think for themselves so they say the only thing they can.

  4. they annoy me to no end and im almost gonna to do something about it....

  5. No.

  6. Almost as annoying as when they tell me to go pray for the answer or solution: if that could work, would there be cancer and other terminal diseases?

  7. well if you read then maybe you wouldn't ask stupid questions

  8. The bible is exactly what the problem is...

  9. Its like asking a word means and someone answering with 'look it up in the dictionary' >>>

    This is indicitive of your own laziness.

  10. What else do you expect them to tell you to read in R&S - "US News and World Report"?

  11. I am NOT a "christian"  and I thought the point of asking questions here was to get the answers I couldn't find for myself.  oops !  my mistake!  Sorry I don't have time to do your seeking for you... besides if i do  You won't benefit from it whatsoever!  When I asked for a definition around my house, my parents didn't raise a lazy kid!  

    Sorry you feel so annoyed.  By the way what is the definition of that word?

  12. read James 1 2-4 there is your solution.

  13. it is annoying. i think that they dont know the answer and that is why they say that

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