
Does it annoy anyone other than me, to see or hear someone blowing their nose at the table in a restaurant?

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I think that is the rudeist thing a person can do at a restaurant




  1. Yes it's quite gross. If you have to blow your nose you should go to the restroom where no one can see you!

  2. I would get up, pay the bill, and, leave.

  3. Yes!  Go to the bathroom and take care of it!

  4. I highly agree with you. I think it is one of the most wretched things you can do at a restaurant table. I work as a host and I see/hear it all the time. I try to give them a hint by saying, I can escort them to the bathroom. The sound of it turns my stomach and makes me nauseous.

    There was actually a question a while back where a woman had mentioned that she had saw a young lady l*****g HER PLATE! That's up there too.

  5. ok I guess

  6. more so when they know they going to blow-there is a bathroom

  7. it doesn't annoy me but it turns my stomach. That is something that should be done in the restroom or outside.

  8. exactly...


    i cant even touch my food after that

  9. Sometimes if you've got a heavy cold, you really NEED to blow your nose urgently.  However, if you're that poorly, should you be out in a restaurant, passing your germs to other people (admittedly, a really hot curry works wonders when I have a bad cold)?

    I have seen people do other things at restaurant tables that annoy me more though, like applying lipstick and picking their teeth.

  10. I'm a waitress, and it doesn't bother me. But if someone has a cold and they keep sneezing and blowing their nose, then it does.

    I love how people bring their sick children into a restaurant, coughing and hacking all over the place, and then get grossed out when the server is sick. Thank God my boss loves Lysol!!!

  11. well yeah its gross but what are they supposed to do? run to the bathroom? what if they sneeze at the table and need to blow their nose? do they put a napkin to their nose and run to the bathroom? Sometimes you just gotta do it

  12. Actually no it does not bother me if the nose blowing is done tactfully and with manners. Many people have runny nose problems while dining, it's unavoidable. I do it, but... I turn my head away from the table and say excuse me! I have chronic sinus problems and can not avoid the nose blowing. If I had to go to the ladies room to blow my nose every time it started running, I'd be in the ladies room more than at the dining table.

    It's not causing any spread of germs if a tissue is used properly.

  13. yes i hate when people do that its like no good manners...and i dont want to see you blow your nose i dont even want to hear it

  14. It doesn't annoy me as much as people talking about it.  I'd rather they did that than sneeze facing my table.

  15. well me..? no,,I think its normal instead of seeing their goo out of their nose,, its more gross,, well thats from my opinion. well I guess we all have different reactions about  different things.

  16. doesnt bother me in the slightest. soetimes you've just got to not worry aboutlittle things like that. worrying is for silly people. rudeness, and politness is just a figment of our immagination built up by our crusty society of human people. you fell better for it if you dont let things bother you. a worse thing to worry about is someone actually sneezing into your food... dont you see how that more annyoing than a noise??!!?!

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