
Does it annoy you...?

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when you go to the movies and there is a group of teens and their trying to act up just to try to be cool? I went to the movies with my friends and they were talking really loud and throwing popcorn at each other and just trying to cut up and I was like you guys need to at least try to act your age. It just annoys the c**p out of me.

BTW: we were seeing the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2




  1. There's nothing worse at the movies, like these little fools...!

  2. Well please don't tell me it was a bunch of guy teens trying to act all cool and rude

    I mean how cool can u be if ur a dude n ur watching the sister hood of the traveling pants

    But I get what ur saying

    It annoys the c**p outa me too

  3. h**l ya it pisses me off. I usually don't go to movies that I think teens will want to see or I go during the day when the kids are in school.

  4. Yeah it annoys the c**p out of me. Some people need to grow up!

  5. Kill Them ¬_¬

  6. id go tell the movie workers and they'd kick them out

  7. teenagers annoy everybody.

    thats what we do.

  8. yeah that's always the most annoying thing you can always count on. You're not alone! I don't know about that movie choice though!! jk :)  

  9. it is annoying, but you got it wrong.  they don't want to look cool, i mean they're in the sisterhood of the traveling pants.  they were just trying to have fun, but were being ignorant to the other people in the theatre.  kids do it all the time, you're gonna have to get used to it, sorry.

  10. lol, just ignore people like that, they are just imature and rude. dont worry as long as you know u are muture, they will always be babies. and yes that annoys me so much. they are really weird.

  11. omg yes i was watchin hancock and some idiots were down there oh didnt c that coming, oh she got super powers to hahahah

    i was pissed!i just wanted to see will smith drunk and fly and here they are talkin through the whole movie!!

  12. sisterhood of the travelling pants is the best movie of all time. i went to see it with my good buddy sharp, and sharp cried at the end of it. it was so sweet.

  13. no, what annoys me is when you are trying to watch a movie and theres 2 losers that sit right in front of u that can't keep their mouht shut!! and i was watching the dark knight...

  14. Yeah, thats really annoying. But I do realize that one of those girls was me a couple of years ago. lol  I cant believe I use to act like that

  15. build a door

  16. i cant even believe u spent money to c that movie

    but yeah it is very annoying

  17. it annoys answer rite here

  18. i hate little annoying teeenyboppers

  19. yeah i totally hate that sh@t, its just that some people have no-respect, i wasn't even like that when i was a kid, i was taught manners, and how to act, but some kids today act as though they got ants in there pants, now what i do is let the managment know, and i've seen many people get kicked out that way or atleast get your money back.
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