
Does it annoy you that avery time theres a Weather based disaster the media always say it's global warming

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What about about all the disasters that happen in every part of the world for all of history?




  1. Yeah its true. Global warming is real but it's going to take a while for its effects to be in place. The news wants ratings so they blame it on global warming, now apparently the recent outbreak of tornadoes is because of global warming. If there's too much or too little it's global warming, i'm sick of it. Leave that conclusion up to meteorologists and scientists not news anchors. Look at the Super Outbreak in 1974, it spawned 148 tornadoes in a day, we never blame that on global warming.

  2. yes it does annoy me a lot....first they say that the world temperature is rising then its freezing and they also say that its coz of global warming! they are lying to us...

  3. yes it does it's just not that hot, all lies to get money out of us.

  4. I completely agree. Two of my favorite books are "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton, and Krakatoa, about the Pacific volcano eruption of the 1800's.  I am tired of the media blowing up global warming issues. Remember in the 1980s they said by the year 2000 75% of Americans would have the AIDS virus?

  5. Isn't it safer to err on the side of safety and assume that there really is a climate change? The ozone layer is being destroyed, we don't have proper winters, the polar ice is disappearing and islands in the Pacific are being flooded. I think we'd better stop fooling around. Or are you in denial? Which means that you are in fact in a state of panic and wont admit it.

  6. Weather Wars are real, and ongoing. There is 'human based' manipulation of weather creating these disasters! through weather control technology.

  7. Thats a huge generalization to make. They may have done a few years back but now(and I am studying climate change) they are far more likely to say that it MAY be the cause...however ice melting at the poles is directly linked to the recent increase in global temperatures which are measured as a 30 years average

  8. Not really, it could well be a consequence of humans interaction within our little biosphere, to say one way or another would be slightly foolish me thinks.

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