
Does it annoy you when men stare at your b***s?

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Does it annoy you when men stare at your b***s?




  1. yea totally i hate it when they do tht its like hello im up here

  2. yes it makes me feel sexually uncomfortable

  3. I find it funny. when i catch someone doing that to me at school, i wave my hand in front of their face to get their attention. they get totally embarrassed and start blushing like crazy. its hilarious!

  4. Yes it´s like they expect that THEY¨RE gonna talk to them lol.

  5. Ha! I sometimes wish I had that problem. However, I do think it would be rude and show extreme immaturity... or my own personal lack of clothing. I reiterate, I just don't have that problem.  

  6. YES

  7. Perverts do this.

  8. I don't really mind, but I did mind when I was sitting in the OB/GYN's office and this guy was sitting with his pregnant wife and he was staring at my ****, that annoyed me

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