
Does it annoy you when parents don't know how to raise their kids right?

by Guest58084  |  earlier

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it jus irritates the s*** out of me!

what would you guys do about it?




  1. It bugs the c**p out of me too, but I generally leave them alone.  They're the ones who will have to deal with the fall out.  Except in those cases where the kid really flips out as an adult and goes on a killing spree.  But that has lots to with "nature" as well as "nurture."  For example, I was at the store the other day, and this kid started saying, "Mom mom mom mom mom" while she was talking to the cashier.  Finally he just shrieked at the top of his lungs, I mean people on the other side of the store jumped!  And he said, "I want THIS!"  and he pointed at some candy that was too high for him to reach.  And do you know what this woman did?  She said, "Ok."  And handed it to the cashier.  I was dumbfounded.  But what are you gonna do?  

  2. Every parent has a different idea of what it takes to raise a child. Sometimes I believe the methods a parent is using are not the best but it only "irritates the s*** out of me" when it is hurting the child. Like they ignore the kid, or spoil them rotten. Any parent who beats their child deserves to be shot too.

  3. let them be.

    if their kids end up being screwed up then thats their problem not yours.

  4. It doesn't irritate me at all. I don't think many parents deliberately choose a 'wrong' way to raise their children; most think they're doing it the best way they can (given certain financial, emotional, physical limitations). It does make me feel a little sad when I think a parent is parenting a child in a way I wouldn't, but it doesn't make their method 'right' or 'wrong.  

  5. Yes. If you can't be bothered to raise them right, don't bother bringing them into this world.

  6. I don't really think there is any PERFECT way to raise children, all parents are different and what might work for you and your children may not work for others. There are always differences ESPECIALLY when it comes to parenting. I'm not trying to pick fights or point things out or even point fingers (we are online so what I say probably sounds a lot more mean then I really mean to say it! haha) But who are you to say that there are parents who don't raise there kids RIGHT? You know, it's like who said you're raising your kids the RIGHT way? What exactly is the right way? Of course there are things we won't agree with, but again who are we to disagree with someone elses parenting skills? And no I am not defending anyone who puts their child in danger or in any dangerous situation, but we have no right to talk about someone elses parenting skills. I am not saying you are wrong for feeling this way because I would be contradicting myself.

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