
Does it annoy you when parents/other people refer to kids who have disabilites as...?

by  |  earlier

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Like when they are talking about them and refer to them as "autistic child" "Learning disabled child" or "Blind child" ect...

It gets on my last nerve, they are children first, disability second.




  1. They do so because they don't know any better and haven't been taught politically correct terms.

  2. They should be called by their first name, then possibly the nature of the disability. Like Sally has autism, or Sam is deaf.

  3. I agree. In fact, in my credential program for teaching we were taught this. It is a child who has autism, a child with a learning disability, etc...

  4. yes it is very annoying.

  5. I really have never thought about that, but very good point. I don't even like to hear about their disability unless it is relevant. If I need to know, they tell me, but I don't like it when they feel like they have to let you know right off the bat. It's not who the child is.

  6. Why would it matter to a blind,deaf, autistic child. They can't here what your saying. They don't know what you mean. You would have to have a real impact with them. Name calling is

    "Expressions" .  "{Figures-).

    That's why its called comprehensive. No definite answer.

    Nerves are reality and they are real feelings.

    So are "Thought"/

    NVMD is an expression for autism.

    GET IT  means you "Understand"

    Why ask dumb questions is autism.

    Internet sucks as in autism.

    Your answer as in autism.

    So many quotes " As in atism.

  7. Absolutely!   People are people first and their disability is just a piece of them, not the whole.  We all have a disability, some are more visible then others.  

    It always made me mad when people would refer to my students as "retarded", "autistic", "Downs syndrome" first, as though their disability defined them completely and put them in a box so these people would not have to deal with my students.

  8. goddd yes.

    i  mean, they should mention if they have a disability but they could at least just say their plain name first.

    its sad=[

  9. I am a Person With Disabilities (PWD) and I want to give a PWD viewpoint about the topic. The PWD viewpoint I am giving ARE from people who actually HAVE various Disabilities (Intellectual Disability, [Cognitive Disability], Autism, Blindness, etc), and NOT from parents. siblings, spouses, and etc. (There ARE various PWDs who do NOT consider parents, siblings, spouses, etc, to be a part of the Disability Community.)  

    It IS good to use People First Language (PFL) and IS usually politically correct. BUT there ARE certain segments within the Disability Community that using People First Language (PFL) is NOT politically correct for various reasons.  

    *******BUT mainstream society needs to let PWDs take the lead in how each PWD want to be referred to and what each PWD want to be called.*******

    If a PWD prefers People First Language (PFL) and wants to be referred to by PFL terminology , then use People First Language (PFL) in connection to that PWD.  

    If a PWD does NOT prefers People First Language (PFL) and does NOT want to be referred to by PFL terminology , then do NOT use People First Language (PFL) in connection to that PWD.  

    Some PWDs prefer People First Language (PFL) whereas other PWDs do NOT prefer People First Language (PFL). There IS a division in the PWD Community about People First Language (PFL).

    The Intellectual Disability Community (Cognitive Disability Community) despises the "R" word  (Mental Retardation) and prefers People First Language (PFL) .

    Various Autistic persons dispises and hates People First Language (PFL). Example: Here is a weblink to an Autistic person who does NOT like People First Language (PFL) and wants to be called an Autistic Person.

    Various Blind persons dispises and hates People First Language (PFL). Example: Here is a weblink to an article that has various reasons on why various Blind persons dispises and hates People First Language (PFL).

    As for myself, I want Mainstream Society to use People First Language (PFL) in reference to me and about me. But I do NOT mind for other PWDs NOT using People First Language (PFL) in reference to me and about me due to the fact that other PWDs have EARN the right to use "PWD Insiders Language" with me.

    ***I was born with various congentail physical Disabilities and my only child was born with Autism and Mental Retardation.***

    ***Disabled And Proud!***

  10. it definitely annoys me.

    right on.


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