
Does it annoy you when people bash TNA?

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There was a question i saw a few hours ago and they were saying it sucked because it takes in WWE Rejects. Don't they realize some are better off in TNA were they will get used to the best of their Ability?

Or do they bash it because they don't watch it and consider themselves loyal fans to the WWE or any other Promotion they watch. I love watching both and other promotions but TNA performs better and has a better range of talent.

They say it sucks and they hate it but some haven't even seen an episode or watched it at all, its like a food that you say you hate but have never tried. I don't really see that much wrong with it. Its got great Wrestling and Entertainment and people still bash it.

Only some people do this, alot of people dont, but does it annoy you when people start criticising it for no good reason?




  1. Yes. Mr Ace's answer pretty much sums it up. WWE marks..very annoying. Just never will give TNA a chance, and thats annoying. Well we have all heard the, "Whats better, TNA or WWE?" question, and WWE has been around longer, so there is no need for the Q anymore. Especially since TNA is not as popular as WWE. No need to bash, TNA has had a lot of bashing anyway. We already know whats bad about it and etc. Its funny when the WWE fans point out EVERY little thing wrong that happens in TNA, but when WWE does something wrong, oh its a different story. I'm just sick of the TNA bashing.. WWE does things wrong too, not like they are perfect. I.E, their wrestling matches, TNA has way better wrestling matches. TNA also has a great roster, and its not as big as WWE's, so what. IMO you can't really compare TNA and WWE, they are both very different.  

  2. TNA does suck. BUt I understand why some former WWE superstars go there.

    I mean they have to feed their family.  

  3. tna does suck and all those things they say are the truth

    i used to watch it stupid but it really suck

  4. A h**l lot annoying to see some people bashing TNA because if you see there actually pretty good wrestling & about the "WWE rejects" thing, I'd like to say that those some who left WWE were so talented that I wish they could still be in the there & some of them actually "left" WWE on their own will. but honestly, they are the ones to build the standard of TNA. The likes of Angle, Booker, Christian are the best out there. But some of their own, as in "TNA originals" I would put it, like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Sonjay Dutt are few of the most skilled wrestlers in the whole of wrestling world & who can deny that about the STING!!!!!

  5. I've been sick of the TNA bashing for a long time.

    Not just "loyal" WWE fans, but "loyal" ROH fans as well bash TNA to no end, as if TNA is "using their talent horribly", like the fans own the company. A majority of the bashing is mindless, and people act as if WWE has the most talented roster ever assembled by anyone. TNA wasn't even about having a ton of crazy storylines and gimmicks before, and because a lot of ignorant fans wanted TNA to have the same things as WWE, that's what TNA had to get. Just to get a deal on television, most of these promotions have to be like WWE, which has always pissed me off to no end.

    TNA does have obvious flaws, but it seems like everyone wants to watch for the flaws and swallow everything WWE shoves into their face rather than accept that another company is trying its best to entertain them in ways WWE's failing to do. TNA fans shouldn't care how big it is. If people don't like the promotion, fine. But I'm sick of the bitching and nit-picking about it and the answer "TNA sux" coming up everytime someone talks about it here.

    **starred**, even though I'm mad.

  6. people why don't you give TNA a chance.

    we all love WWE but TNA is Great too.

    1-insted of boring mosters like Mark Henri & Khali... you see bloody brutal Monsters like Rellik,Abyss ,Black Reign who puts on an extream match

    2-TNA has the a WAY WAY Better women division, not even in the entire WWE history did they have a good women division like TNA.

    3-The Tag team division is AMAZING.

    there, monster teams, high-flyers,and every kind of a team you want

    4-the Main events are always great, and the matches are amazing.

    5- the TNA x-division is awesome, i mean cmon , when was the last time WWE had  a high-flying match, TNA has 1 every week.

    6-both of the promotions make mistakes, but WWE has been alive for alomst 60 YEARS!!!!

    TNA has been alive for ONLY 6 years.

    7-and i don't think the people realize that it took the WWE 30 YEARS, To have the mainstream audiance they have today.

    8-if they are FANS, I MEAN REAL FANS OF THE SPORT WRESTLING, THEY SHOULD WATCH TNA, OR Insted of calling themself WRESTLING Fans, they should call themself WWE Fans.

    9-The matches are way better than the WWE's (since they don't always end in count out or DQ). They have interesting storylines. Their not afraid to go hardcore. And they don't have the stupid PG rating so they can say more than "poopy".

    As much as I wish a light bulb would go off and they would suddenly understand that watching TNA does not make you a horrible person or some type of traitor to the WWE, a question like this won't help. They'll just start telling you about about TNA sucks and is only a copy of the WWE.

    As I've said before, love him or hate him, Vince has done a great job of brainwashing his audience that watching anything other than WWE is betraying the WWE

    10-last but not least: the STORLYNES.

    seriously, sometimes TNA do copy WWE, but it's not like WWE didn't copy anything from WCW .

    lets see now every year TNA seems to have a GREAT storlyne.


    this Year the AJ, Karen and Kurt stuff were awesome, and they kept you waiting, what's Next?

    Last year the Abyss Storlyne was 1 of the best i have ever seen, it was kinda of strange, and funny.

    Abyss shot his dad, no it's his Mom... its Suspence

    in 2006 the: Sting vs Jeff Jarrette at Bound for Glory, 9 month from a fued that u couldn't get bored of.

    Sting was screwed again, he returned in 2006 just for a match to say a proper good bye to his fans and left.

    but double J , didn't belive sting, so he send Eric Young to film him and his family everywhere they went 24/7.

    Sting got furious, and he returned at Destination X helping Christian and saving him from a beat down.

    the fued flamed, they fought on almsot every PPV, aftwer Jeff won the NWA world title at slammaversary.

    Sting got a shot and lost bcz Cage betrayed him.

    the next impact he cleaned house on Impact , and said to Jarrette i want a rematch at Bound for Glory, at

    any cost.

    and Jarrette told him u will get u were shot if u put your carreer on the line!

    2005 : The way they had 3 of the best wrestlers in the world, AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe, start a  fued and out on 5 star matches rated by WON, was awesome.


  7. you make a good point

  8. wwe marks will never understand that it is ok to like things other than wwe like ufc, tna, sports, girls,etc. If someone says " I watched it and it sucked so I only watch wwe" it confuses me as I don't believe wwe is much better than tna. All of these "super fans" know more than i do so thats why i don't bother with this section anymore. Thanks to all the "super fans" who run off the better, more knowledgeable users in this section. Enjoy your stupid questions and have fun with your dumb answers. The "super fans" deserve this section.

  9. i watch it for like a couple months but it just started to get really boring they try to copy the say gimmick as the wwe like shark boy acting like stone cold that soo stupid

  10. personaly i dont like tna that much but i do agree







  12. I'll admit I used to say TNA sucked and then I actually saw it and I liked it. It's annyoing now. Those people haven't seen it so they can't say anything about it

  13. I watch it both. As long as its wrestling im gonna watch it.

  14. I know the question you're talking about, and really, everyone on here should read that question, just to see what made Hannah so mad.  Also you will LAUGH YOUR *** OFF, as I did.  (Shark Boy IS Stone Cold Steve Austin, eh? roflroflrofl..)  Now to answer your question, I say no one should bash TNA without ever watching it.  I've watched it for years, and I used to watch it ALOT more than I do now, because I work on Thursday nights.  In general, I think TNA did a great job with their "home-grown" talent, like AJ, Samoa Joe, Abyss, etc.  I also think that as great as AJ, Joe, Abyss, Angle, Cage, etc ARE, that alot of fans see Shark Boy, and INSTANTLY.....all that other positive stuff is just erased.  (And obviously, some idiots are rather befuddled by Shark Boy...)  I think wrestling fans who want a little change of pace from WWE could/should watch TNA.  It's different.  Not better.  Not worse.  Just different.  PS- Dont let ignorant marks get to you so bad.  You'll spend half your life being upset.

  15. TNA Fans Bash WWE fans also I like both I think TNA has alot of stuff going for it but it's almost like Comparing The AFL to the NFL

  16. yeah i like tna better than wwe b/c #1. tna IS NOT a kid show. wwe is. #2. tna puts on much better matches, their wrestlers can actually wrestle and they don't wrestle in slow motion like wwe. BUT, i will say this, wwe has got them beat on storylines. if tna can get their storylines going however, i could see tna giving wwe competition in the near future.

  17. Yeah it  does p**s me off.

    A thing they have never watched in their enire life and they say it sucks! They should try it first. If they dont like it they shouldkeep their mouth shut!

    I honestly think its great. It entertains me. In the future i think they will get an advantage over wwe! I get excited every thursday.

    They might not have have enough money to make the arena look good or make a million dollar promo but they do their best!

    So what if it copies wwe some times? There are not enough ideas. WWE used to copy WCW!

  18. Fans who go and bash TNA are what we call marks, in this case as Donovan T pointed out, WWE or ROH marks.

    Majority of the fans who bash TNA have never seen it. They've probably watched a couple of videos on YouTube where they see superstars who used to wrestle in the WWE, and with no background information on why they left the WWE they automatically think that WWE released them and "rejected" them. But that's not the case.

    People need to realise that guys like Kurt Angle, Christian, Booker T and a whole lot more were released because they wanted it. Christian was getting nowhere in the WWE, not because he sucked, but because creative wanted a monster with no talent like Batista running the show. Kurt Angle was released because Vince wanted to be a selfish piece of sh*t and not let Kurt have any time off to heal injuries and spend time with his wife who was wanting a divorce at the time. That's not them being rejected, that's them making a personal decision to leave WWE and go somewhere they would be TREATED BETTER. That's what marks need to learn.

    I'm not a huge TNA fan, but I do love certain aspects of it. At times I have to watch it on mute with Don West at commentary, but then Mike Adamle was never a joy to listen to and neither is Michael Cole right? People need to understand that although TNA has "THE Vince Russo", and the storylines are cheezy at times, they can still put on a decent WRESTLING show, which is why a lot of fans watch it. There is a clear distinction between a wrestling fan and a TNA or WWE fan. Wrestling with a brain will watch Japanese promotions more than just TNA and the WWE because it has actual good wrestling, not half a** wrestling like Batista, Cena or whatever else we see.

    I'll admit, I'm more of a WWE fan, but the WWE have picked up their fair share of TNA superstars. MVP, World Champion CM Punk, Branden Walker (even though he's released), Ron Killings, Mickie James etc are all former TNA stars and there's a bag full of more stars that will be coming in again in the future.

    To conclude, all companies pick superstars from each other, some because they were rejected and some because they wanted to leave. Being more of a WWE fan and NOT mark, I'll admit that TNA has it faults but WWE isn't perfect. The women's division, mid-card division and wrestling quality in TNA is better than WWE, which shows the WWE isn't perfect.

    For the 1 idiot user who claimed that TNA are still within a 1.0 rating, think about what channel they might be on and think about the timeslot instead of sucking the WWE's p***s dry.


  19. I'm not even close to being a huge TNA fan, but I hate the close minded TNA bashers. In fact, I hate any closed minded fan who just plain bashes any promotion without actually watching it. There are positives and negatives to any promotion, and being a mark about it won't solve anything.

    Intelligently criticizing a company's mistakes, while keeping their positives in mind, is one thing. Just bashing it for no reason is just plain stupid.

  20. Yes, it's annoying. I like TNA, and most of the WWE wrestlers choose to go there because they are misused in WWE. Wrestlers like Christian Cage and Gail Kim are much better off in TNA.

  21. DOnt worry about the girl who said WWE Rejects wrestled on TNA.  She was hella disillusioned.  I was pointing out how Sting never wrestled for WWE and she whined all the way to Montana.  She's not a smart fan you see.

    As for TNA. Im not going ot lie.  I have never watched TNA before.  Atleast not live.  Mainly becuz i have no cable.  But i would gladly give it try in the future.  But i still consider myself a loyal WWE fan nevertheless.

  22. Oh, you mean like how some people bash Batista and John Cena? People dont like them so they bash them. Besides.. you just stated yourself that TNA is better then WWE so your taking a side with TNA just like many people side with WWE.

  23. yeah i love watching both also and they never ven give TNA a chance and its awesome.

  24. Well that bug me too

  25. I had a question before in regards to the pros and cons of both TNA and WWE. I like TNA for the wrestling, it is 100% better than what they got on RAW or SMACKDOWN. but the story lines and gimmicks they use are horrible and that what really brings it down. not to mention the commentary. Im sure everyone would agree that its not different from hearing WCW NITRO commentary.

    Thats really the only reason why I would bash TNA. If WWE would push the younger stars more just like for example TNA did with AJ Styles when it first emerged. The talent would really show in WWE shows. but the wrestling is pretty basic and noone is really original besides a couple wrestlers.

  26. tna suck hannah it really does i've watch it..

    its a comic book...sharkboy curry man what the h**l?

  27. Kind Of Like Jeff Hardy. He Left And Went To TNA. He Wrestled And Got Way Better Than Before, Because He Was In Alot Of Extreme Matches In TNA. And Thats His Specialty.

    Now He's Back With The WWE, And Look At Him. He's At His Best Every Week.

  28. TNA clearly does not suck. they havent seen aj styles, jay lethal, sonjay dutt, chris sabin and alex shelly, and more. angle isnt a reject. team 3D arent rejects. all athletes are treated better in TNA. WWE is on the road all of the time and you are away from ur family all of the time. with TNA, u only wrestle a couple days a month and u spend more time with your family.

    they need to watch ultimate x matches

  29. I know it's not my place to comment on this, but you've asked quite a few "wrestling hater" questions.  Anyways I am a huge wrestling fan in general, but TNA just doesn't do it for me for a few reasons.  First I think they make some of their match types too unneccesary.  Sure they like to do something different than the usual WWE stuff, but it seems that sometimes "cross the line" lol.  They seem to love to take multiple match types and group them together to make one.  Or they'll book some kind of goofy gimmick match.  Remember the fish market brawl that Team 3D had with Shark Boy and Curry Man? Enough said.  And speaking of goofy, they've had some rediculous storylines.  I remember last Christmas, TNA based their entire show around having Eric Young try to search for Santa Clause.  Little things like that create huge problems.  I am very convinced that TNA's creative team purpously does this stuff to insult our intelligence. I realize not everybody will like the show but the creative element is lacking.  As far as the WWE rejects comment, it's nothing to complain about I just think it's so noticable that people comment on it.  I can recall a time where TNA was hiring former WWE talent back to back.  I could be completly wrong but it was around the time they hired Team 3D that they hired Spike Dudley, Christian, Kurt Angle, and then you put that together with the fact that they have Rhyno, the former New Age Outlaws and a few others.  And then there was that point where TNA had the former ECW talent bash WWECW and BG and Kip James were bashing DX.  People got upset and I guess their initial reaction was that there are too many WWE "rejects" bashing WWE. I'll give TNA this, they can give good matches.  But they've toned it down a bit since moving to Spike TV.  Just try thinking about why fans call WWE the big leagues.  And then ask yourself why TNA can't be called the same name. Try mentally calculating why TNA keeps their 1.0 rating every week.  Personally I've seen a whole episode of TNA and "watched it properly", but I find it hard to sit through another. PEACE.

  30. i dont watch tna ive seen like maybe like 10 shows but thats it and they havent impressed me at all so i bash tna

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