
Does it annoy you when people don't know were the country you are from is?

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I am from Wales, and when people don't know where this is it really gets on my nerves. Is it just me or does any one else find this too? What country are you from & does it annoy you when people dont know where that is? I sometimes find it quite offensive. Thank you :)




  1. i've never been out of america but my friend is from the uk and it bugs him.

  2. just next door to the whinging pom, i think its rubbed off on you....

  3. I don't know where Wales is. Don't get mad at other people simply because they don't know where your country is, especially if it's a country that doesn't get much publicity. I'm from the US. Everyone knows where that is.

    Knowledge of geography does not equate intelligence. You could know where Wales is and still be an idiot.

    (you're from wales, of course you know where it is) What's really funny are those people who, lets just say "know" geography (which they claim because they know some places that others don't know, especially when it comes to them living there). I don't suppose you know where Jordan is...or whatever country out there to show your frivolous knowledge or ignorance.

    You know, you probably get angry at people because you have this complex where you feel inferior when people don't know where your country is. It's the "[my country is important!!!]you should know where this is" mindset. :)

  4. Consider this.......Half of the people in the world are below average in intelligence.....There are alot of stupid people out there......Just have to get used to it

  5. No because I know how bad the American education system is. However, when people insist I'm Mexican because My father's family is from Spain and My mother is Native American, I get irritated. Americans can be very ignorant and intolerant. Don't take it personally if you can help it : )

  6. No. It doesn't. Maybe, he's just a drop out in geography or history. I'm from the Philippines. Know where that is? I'll not be offended even if you don't know where I am from. Say, it's just a matter of how we entertain reactions.  

  7. Yes, especially when Americans are making the mistake.

    (Hint - it's the big country on top of yours)

  8. No, I've accepted the fact that most people in the US are idiots due to lack of knowledge and/or understanding.

    I'm from the US by the way.

  9. Some subjects kids are just not interested in if it does not pertain to them immediately, history and geography are the two big ones. I went to school with kids that did not even care that there was a whole world outside of their immediate vicinity. I take the opportunity to research and learn new things. I also love to travel but not everyone does.

    Not everyone has a thirst for learning, so I just chalk it up to ignorance.......thank you

  10. to me it annoys me when people just ask, becuase to me i feel like its too much info and you never know what kind of people you run into. i guess i'm too aggravated about it becuase i use to go on Yahoo Messenger and then into chat rooms, and foreigners would always ask me the same freaken questions and after a while, it gets pretty old, repeating the same thing over and over.

  11. im from wales and hate it when people don't know where it is. it's not their fault sometimes but i usually tell them where it is and somebody'll say "oh so your english then?" know that is annoying.  

  12. Considering there are 195 recognized countries in this world, I may not know where all of them are, but I do know where the major ones are.  

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