
Does it annoy you when people put questions in the wrong category?

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It really bugs me

local businesses>vietnam>tay nguyen

that sounds about right for this one




  1. No. Not really, compared to all the ignorant stuff on here, that doesnt bother me. I hate when people are just cruel to others more then when they put their qts in the wrong section.

  2. uhh ur in the wrong section buddy (: and no it doesnt

  3. i never pay attention to it anyways

  4. idk and idc lol...>>>>>

  5. Yes some girl put a cell phone question in the pregnancy duh it doesn't go there!

  6. It doesn't annoy me. What annoys me is flies, mosquitoes, slow computers, slow internet, idiots

  7. If that annoys you, i wonder how you cope with real issues.

    its just yahoo pfffft, get over yourself.

  8. No, I have Much bigger issues.

  9. no but u can always report if they are disturbing enough

  10. your a silly billy... but i like you.

  11. yes it does

  12. lmfaoo



  13. I dont usually look at the category, but I do laugh sometimes when I notice them. Such as do you munch chocolate or just let it melt in your the Ramadan category.

  14. Yeah it is wierd just like local vietnam busness in tay nguynen something that would just never come across my path without you I wanna know where the island of misfit toys is in here.

  15. dosent bother me : )


    LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL    :)

  17. It doesn't bug me. It's just a mistake.

  18. No.

  19. no

  20. everyone makes mistakes!! relax it is not that big of a deal i have no problem with it! but what annoys me is when people answer "what is the question doing here" instead of just answering it!

  21. It's're still young...

    It's not too late...the feelings you are describing are known throughout the world as...

    "Anal Rentativeness Feelings..."

    You must learn to relax, and use your superior mind like I do, to "not even notice" such trivial matters as "correct categories" on a website game used by millions if people who simply point and click, and they feel that "categories" are simply "guidelines," not hard fast rules written in stone tablets and handed down to Moses...

    So...simply do what I do, and answer the questions that you like, and skim past very rapidly the ones you don't, and train yourself to "not notice" the trivial details of life, but if you insist on "noticing them," please train yourself to "not give a rat's oz" about them...

    High Blood Pressure is one of the highest killers of males in our society, and learning to "exorcise the demon of anal rententivism" is the best way to live a long a fruitful life, filled with joy and relaxation...

    Now snatch this book entitled "Don't Sweat The Small Things" from my hand, and...

    You may go...


  22. yea big time like u wouldnt belive

  23. Not yet

  24. Yes!! lol

  25. Not really.

  26. nope not at all, i dont even really look at the catogory

  27. What?

  28. na..i dont really pat attention to the category

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