
Does it annoy you when people write ty for thank you?

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I don't have a problem with other abbreviations, but when I'm not texting but using Yahoo answers or e-mail, it just really annoys me when someone writes ty for thank you. I understand when people use that when texting or even sometimes in chat rooms, but not in a format where they can afford to write a couple extra letters. If someone is really thanking me, you'd think that they could maybe put a little effort into actually writing the word. I guess I'm old fashion.




  1. I think as a society we ARE getting lazy.  This holds true in many areas of life - not just abbreviating thank you or wearing pj's to shop in.  I think we pass kids so they don't feel bad about themselves instead of making sure they KNOW the material.  We give trophies to EVERY child on a team - not just those that excelled.  And everything has to have some instant gratification.  Why write out thank you when you can just type ty?  I will tell you why - it is to show your APPRECIATION that someone went out of their way to remember/think of you!  I no longer give gifts or do nice things for people who cannot bother to say thank you to me (and they know why the gifts/thoughtful actions stopped too).

  2. Yes, it annoys me.  Abbreviations are only permissible in chat situations.  KWIM?  LOL!

  3. little things like that dont annoy me. i really dont see how people break a neck over something so small. as long as you know what it is and can read it, then its fine.

  4. No, I use it all the time. I don't mean any disrespect & it means just as much. Don't let it get to you...but I know what you mean=)

  5. if that annoys you,you would totally hate my niece, mom -her grandma -gives her tons of presents-they live in different countries.Tammy has yes to write a thank you note...even an e-tahnk you letter...

    it does not annoy me in text or here.but in "real life" it up sets me when people do not say thanks.i do not even appreciate it if say,i pass the slat at the table to my husband or serve him something and he does not say tanks!

    what i can really not stand is electronic cards to say happy anything,be it birthday,christmas.....

  6. I actually find "chat speak" really annoying. When one of my friends uses chat speak in text, I write back "Please re-send w/o the chat speak, it's irritating!"  It ussually works.  A different friend kept texting me while I was at work and I couldn't answer back! I finally had to text back with: I've been at work and unable to call or text back! Please stop until I've contacted you again!"  But yes, it's irritating when people, anyone, thinks that things like "ur" and "u" and "ty" are appropriate!

  7. Does it also annoy you when people use Dr. or Mr. as a title of respect? Those are abbreviations too, and quite old-fashioned ones. The only difference is that you are used to them. If someone takes the extra effort to write "ty", which no one is forcing them to do, I would have to assume that they are really thanking you and not choose to be all grouchy about it.

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