
Does it annoy you when ?

by  |  earlier

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You have been waiting ages for a parking space to become available, you see in your rear view mirror someone walking to their car, you start to reverse and wait, then all of a sudden another car appears, you have nowhere to reverse as the car that is leaving the space has to get past you, then as they pull out, the other car pulls into the empty space even though they have seen you were waiting !




  1. Very VERY annoying!!!

  2. i hate it, it always happens to me, i have a new rule now, i drive around the car park once, if i cannot find a space i leave.

    the other thing that annoys me is when you see some one go to their car, they put something in the boot or take it out and then go again.

  3. Yeah!

  4. Yes...its infuriating.

  5. yes,..............but most of the times, u put ur light on so people knows that u are tuning into the parking.

  6. I'm usually the car that steals the space....*looks guilty*.

  7. I know.....some1 did dat 2 me yesterday. It was so annoying. And mean.

  8. Wait until they have left and go kick their lights in they will remember this next time they become anti social. I once left my 14yr old daughter in my car in a car space, when I returned she told me the 4x4parked next to me had hit my car twice with their doors fron and back when they got out, on having a look I had two dents in the drivers side >I ask if they said anything or gave my daughter an addrress to get money for repairs and she said the driver said so what. I took a screew driver out of my tool kit and proceded to write Tw@t down the side of his car we then left and went home .

  9. Its a perfect p**s off as they say...

  10. Nikki,, I always park to the end of the parking lot to avoid problems and fender benders,plus I like to walk for the exercise.

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