
Does it annoy you when...?

by Guest65181  |  earlier

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people with like 101 points (still on level 1) with no avatar (the shady picture) and nothing in their profile, add you to their contacts?

It doesn't really to me, but sometimes it's just odd because I'll think, "Who is this person?" And I know nothing about them or why they added me. It's kinda creepy. Idk. Lol.




  1. hahha yah I know what u mean haha

  2. Yeah, sometimes. Their avatars just make them look gloomy and yes, a little creepy. That's pretty much the reason why I only add people with an avatar or picture. Plus, it makes me really wonder if they are just a troll who is trying to get me suspended or something like that. At least not that many people like that have added me yet. Even if a person like that did add me, it wouldn't bother me that much.

  3. I sooo agree with

    I dont think it's annoying...I just think it is kinda creepy!  

  4. NO , im cool with that.

  5. I think people like that add you because you have a cute name and attractive picture, looks mean a lot to people. But yeah I understand what your saying, its like how did they find me and why do they want me to be their contact?

  6. Sometimes

  7. haha ya it's sorta odd. just because its wierd when you dont know a person at all and have never talked to them and they randomly add you. its like, creeper! haha jk ;D

  8. That sounds annoying.

  9. i dunno... but its a weird thought

  10. Well 4 me personally " ( the shady picture)  " Scares The Happieness out of me ........

    I Dont judge them by the looks either but most of the trolls like dat and they r level 1 and \ or 2 ...

  11. i dont really care, but it is creepy [not trying to be rude] because it's just a face.... lol

  12. I don't know...It could be a teenybopper thing. Haha...just kidding. I read your profile just to be creepy. And uh, I don't really notice how many points the people have that add me, I just look at their best answer percentages.  

  13. Ohh yeah, idk. It kinda does, but what can I do? :P

  14. OMG, Ashley!!!

    Lol, yeah. It is creepy!!!

    Like, why do they want to add me??? Who the heck is it?

    I like to read what they are like and who they are and I can't do that if they have nothing on their page and no pic!!!

    Remember that one guy???!!!


    Lol :)

  15. I think I was one of those people once...

    =( I'm not creepy...jeez..

  16. I just block them

  17. yeah it dose and they ask like wicked weird qwestions too im like wtf?

  18. makes me wonder yes

  19. i dont get annoyed THAT easily.

  20. Sometimes...

  21. Yah i block them cuase someone added me and their answers to q's weere like stalkey stuff so i pressed the block button! =]  

  22. I never ad them. I only ad level three and higher.

  23. Well it depens how nice you are. People shouldn't judge you on how you look like.

  24. Nope.

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