
Does it appear that the United States is leaning towards socialism in your opinion?

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Am I just stuck in an old way of thinking?




  1. The old way of thinking is not working and don't tell me it is.

    It's the old fox guarding the chicken coup story. The fox is the rich and the chickens are the rest of us. The government CAN'T continue to protect and support the foxes and let the chickens get slaughtered.

    "Congress has the power to regulate commerce" They better get moving. Look what happened to the mortgage industry when there was weak regulation.

    Government is a tool and should be available to ALL the people.  

  2. Say what?

    You completely missed to boat on the anti-corporation foundation of fascism.  

  3. No, it seems to me that it has been leaning toward fascism.

  4. An unequivocal yes.  It's scary.

  5. yes and you can thank california and new york for that nanny state anyone

  6. We have been drifting that way ever since FDR's "New Deal" and even more so with LBJ's "Great Society." I don't think we will ever become a full fledged socialist European styled Social Democracy, but then again, ya never know.

    These liberals on here obviously have NO IDEA what fascism is. Fascism was born out of a leftwing socialist movement. The godfather of fascism, Mussolini, was a die hard socialist, as was Hitler. FASCISM IS A LEFTWING PHENOMENON.

  7. Actually to be a socialist would be the "old way" in America...

    This new McCarthyism against socialism is a kind of radical new approach to conservatism...

    Conservatism used to be based on Christianity in America... which was very charitable (aka socialist)... That's why we have Public Schools, Social Security etc. etc...

    But this new definition of conservatism: being for the corporate profits instead of the betterment of our lives, is kind of fascist, more than it is socialism...

    Some people like Mitt Romney even want to put Visa/Mastercard in charge of our national ID cards... that's creepy if you ask me!

  8. Yes but in a very insidious way.  

  9. Yeah, it sucks :(

  10. And government controlled socialism. Look at social security, government healthcare will be a mess in 30-40 years.

  11. The minute the Great society programs.. Medicare, Medicaid , and Social Security were signed into law with no clear plan as to maintain their funding... we were doomed..

    Now that the baby boomers are looking to collect after years of paying into the system its essentially bankrupt.

    Now it appears that congress is going to take over the medical field as well. God help us.. good intentions are going to kill this Republic unless someone comes foreward with a plan for some fiscal responsibility.

    apparently it isnt Obama or McCain!

  12. Illuminati,(mafia) = New World Order = socialism

    Google Obama's ties to the Chicago mafia Godfather's.

  13. Yes, the Democrat party is now the socialist party, and the GOP is no longer the conservative party. Obama is the most socialist member of the US senate, and Biden is not far behind. The Democrats, particularly Obama, want to turn the USA into a European-style social welfare state. He wants to greatly increase the size of govt, increase taxes, and give up sovereignty to the UN with his Global Poverty Act.

    Obama must be stopped from becoming president, even if it means voting for an old crabby dude like McCain. Obama's Economic Justice

        In this enlightening article, Investors Business Daily explains what Comrade Obama means by "economic justice." It means redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor.

        Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism

        By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, July 28, 2008


    By Cliff Kincaid July 4, 2008

  14. It appears so my friend,  

  15. no more like facism if you consider how much corporations and companies get helped even though they fire their employees anyway and rake in millions or steal millions, pretty much the same thing.

  16. The Socialist International will have delegations in Denver for the DNC:

    see here for details:;...

  17. No way. we have to pay for our health insurance.etc.,etc.........

  18. no

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