
Does it bother anyone else here in 'Green Living'...?

by  |  earlier

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that almost all of the advertisements here are from oil companies telling us how "green" they are or are becoming?! Its usually Shell or Chevron that I see. It certainly makes me think they are starting to feel their power slipping away....




  1. It cracks me up everytime when Texaco or Chevron talks about rebuilding a coral system in the ocean and how yes, they are doing that because they feel it is right.  They are only doing exactly what they have been mandated to do and then making it look like they do it out of choice.

  2. the oil companys are behind the current alternative fuel movement. they get 51cents from the taxpayers for every gal. of ethanol they make & sell, they make less than 20 cents on a gal of gasoline. & where do you buy your gasahol? thats right, from a station owned by the oil companys.

    you've got a computer,do a little research!

  3. What would make sense is if they really are "going green". The oil companies know they are on the way out, people just won't stand for all of this much longer. Instead of holding onto oil as long as possible and letting other alternate fuels run them out of business, they would be smart if they pioneered alternate fuel sources so that way, they would still be in the fuel business, just a different fuel. They also make themselves look better because people will say "oh, they used to be an oil company, but they are pioneers in the alternate fuel industry and don't sell fossil fuels anymore."

  4. Yah, it sucks. It's like turning you away or something. I'm glad somw people care.

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