
Does it bother anyone else that people get so offended on Big Brother when someone lies?

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Why is that? When you sign up on Big Brother, don't you go into it assuming that people are going to lie? And don't you want to do whatever you need to to make it to the end? You are playing the game for $500,000... why wouldn't you do everything in your power to get it? If your not going to play the game the way its meant to be played, then don't sign up... let someone else be on the show. Like when people say I would rather leave the house knowing that I told the truth the whole time, then to win the money..." Its like WTF? Why did you even try to play?

And I find it funny that the people who get so offended by the lying, are usually the ones who are trash talking other people behind their back... how is that ANY better?




  1. It annoys me a lot. And the people who use that excuse of "I can't believe (s)he lied to me" shows that that person has no other excuse for why they got back-doored, nominated, etc.

    I want someone to name me one winner of Big Brother who hasn't lied or aligned with someone to win. Exactly. Cause the is none. There have been winners who can lie and get away with it like an angel.

    House-guests need to know that this is BIG BROTHER! and to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! No one is going to serve them up 500,000 dollars on a platter for being the most honest player. The show is full of lies, twist, detours, and deceivers that no one is ever actually honest.

    It's just the way the game is suppose to be played. Get over it.

  2. Ha ha ha....Amen sista!!  You must be talkin about April.  OMG...she talked smack about everyone and last night made a big ole speech about how she left with respect.  Uh yeah...right...says you.

    Go Keesha!!

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