
Does it bother anyone that the government controls personal choices through taxes?

by  |  earlier

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For example, they don't ban smoking (yet), they just tax the c**p out of them. Same thing with deductions on income tax. Some personal expenses you can write off and others you can't.




  1. And how is that control?  Some people buy houses with cash and don't get a tax deduction.  Some people smoke tax free.  Most people don't run their lives based on what's taxable and what's deductible.

  2. You forgot to complain about alcohol taxes.  

    The government--people we elect--encourage different types of behavior through tax laws. These are things like charity, home ownership and taking care of your health.  

  3. Yes, it makes me mad as h**l.

    Years ago, during the last oil embargo...they imposed 55 mph speed limits on all our highways.  Montana refused, and the Feds threatened to take away their highway n**i was that?

    Now they are d**n close to passing thru a National ID card, there are only a handful of states that are fighting it.  Not that they really need one, because behind the scenes they forced the states to require SSNs when you apply for a DL.

    It used to be that in America you could make a mistake and recover from it.  Gone are those days.

    Homeland Security sure has a German sound to it....

  4. yes it does. i thoght that this was a free contry

  5. They don't "control" them but they d**n sure try to influence them.  So I buy my smokes at an Indian smoke shop in OK for less than $12 a carton.  :P;;

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