
Does it bother some military when non military people say 'Our' Command in Chief instead of 'The' CINC?

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As we all know, non military people sometimes accidently say 'Our' Commander in Chief instead of 'The' Commander in Chief. Literally it would be wrong for non military people to say 'our', becasue mainly military personnel can have a Commander. So by them saying 'My or 'Our', it would be wrong. The president is the leader of the country but not the boss of them. Where as military personnel CAN say 'My' or 'Our' because they esseciantially work for him.




  1. I spent 20 years in uniform, i would say no.

  2. I've been privy to spend much more time around civilians since I got out of the Marines in '05. Having attended college a while back I also got to mingle with the intellectual crowd that is you average college freshman. I have had many different sources in this civilian land inform me of facts about the President that I had no clue about. Apparently he clubs baby seals that are flown in to his ranch in Texas which has FCL light bulbs that are powered by a generator that runs on war fueled Iraqi 87 octane. Countless employees of dead end jobs have pointed out that he is a complete moron even though his name tag says "President of the U.S." and theirs has something along the lines of "You got 30 minutes". Usually though after I am informed about the stupidity of the President I am also hearing a story of how he planned the 9/11 attacks in order to get more oil. The President apparently has Santa Claus like powers in the sense that he has been responsible for a flat tire, failing a midterm, STD's and a string of other events that happened at the same time.

    While the last sentence may have been an exaggeration the previous events were ones that I really did hear from someone who truly believed what they were saying was the absolute truth. When I first got out of the military I attended college in New York since my mindset was "I'm a combat vet surrounded by 18 year olds who are away from home for the first time. What could go wrong?". Hearing some kid who still is learning to shave talk smack about the President and then talk about the Middle East as if they were there was an experience to remember the first time it happened. It took a while to realize that these people don't know what they're talking about due to a lack of knowledge and to stop paying attention to them. Believe me that the difference between "Our" and "The" pales in comparison to the other things that come out of people's mouths  

  3. I have more important things to worry about

    It bothers me when people that have never served try to tell others how our military should operate though

  4. Sorry, The CIC is the boss of the US military, both of which are the employees of the citizens of the United States Of America.  

    USAF Veteran

  5. 4.5 years in the 25th inf. i say no offense taken.

    wolfhounds huah

  6. by your logic only commisioned officers can say our commander.  I guess enlisted gets shafted again.

  7. Ignorance does not bother me. Stupidity does though. Most just don't know any better.

  8. This is ridiculously petty, don't you think? Do you serve "your" country or "the" country?

  9. Wow, people actually get peeved over this?  

    A FINANCE GUY?  I got a question over my combat-zone tax exclusion....

  10. No, because the CinC is our President and belongs to everyone.

  11. Civilians tend to be clueless on matters such as this.  I stopped letting it bother me a long time ago.

    I really do wish the American people would bother to learn something about military affairs though.

  12. Less than one in five civilians has ever read the Constitution, let alone Article 2 which sets forth the duties of the President. The Commander-In-Chief clap trap only crops up when we are at war. In the same way that partisan political concern over deaths in the armed forces on September 10, 2001 or earlier was nearly non-existent and a lot of the folks who are now waving flags and cheering on the troops wouldn't have given the time of day to a man or woman in uniform on September 10th. Now, that saddens me. The grammar concerning one of the titles given to the President in Article 2 of the Constitution doesn't.  

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