
Does it bother you 4 liberal judges voted to end the second amendment?

by Guest45511  |  earlier

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Where will it end with them the second then the first?




  1. Courts and private citizens have been arguing the merits on each side of this issue for centuries.  It is entirely unfair of you to characterize the 4 justices as trying to "end the second amendment."  They had a legitimate difference of opinion that the society at large has been having for a very long time.

  2. "... voted to end the second amendment"??  When you phrase the question like that, you show that you do not understand what they said, but that that doesn't stop you from emptying your a**hole opinion on others.

    For Nightwind: The Constitution doesn't have to do with citizens or non-citizens; it has to do with limitations on the powers of government.  For us patriotic Americans, it is an embarrassment when Bu--sh-- throws people, including some innocent people, willy-nilly into detention for six years, whether they are citizens or not.

    What kind of coward locks people up without caring about innocence, on the chance that someone may hurt him?

  3. it bothers me that judges, not just supreme court judges aloow their personal politics to be the basis of their decisions, not the thr constitution the are to uphold. Its not just the 2nd amendment, judges constanly legislate from the bench, or overturn the will of the people when they dont agree with it. Look at California, the people voted no on g*y marriage.....judges said  no we would rather have it. Thats an abuse of power that is inexcusable. Thats jsut one example. It happens all over the country everyday.

  4. Yes it bothers me and as long as Democrats are elected as President of our Great Nation,they will continue to appoint these left wing Liberals to the Supreme Court,and once they are in it's for life,making it a system of Dictators! God alone is able to look at what the future may bring because of these Liberal radicals! God help us if Obama is elected as he will be ready to fill the Supreme Court with these ruthless enemies of the Constitution! As the old Conservatives retire Liberals will fill their seats! Yes it bothers me!

  5. It just isn't there, what of the 4/5 split they had regarding the death penalty for the child rapist recently ? What about them giving Gitmo enemy combatants constitutional rights ? i'm sorry, i thought out constitution applied to us in the know...the citizens.

    And this is just a taste of the backwards and often idiotic left, liberals and socialist agenda. They have infected almost every institution in America and mean to change it any way they can. Recently they've been succeeding through the courts. Which is bad and wrong, because the courts aren't and never were given the power to interfere with the constitution, founding policies or international involvements. They are to determine the meaning of the laws put before us in the USA,  not to infringe on freedom, or liberties, or define by their own liberal twist tings they court have no business in.

    Giving enemy combatants constitutional rights ? The court system has no right to determine anything regarding war. IT violates their own president from the past.

  6. This is extremely disturbing.  The fact that political and personal views almost destroyed the fabric on which the constitution is constructed.  At least five of the judges had common sense and a devotion to duty not a devotion to self.

  7. I am more than bothered. I am disappointed, stunned, and shocked. But do not worry, for the Supreme Court has cast out a ban on hand-guns!

    Cheer-up! We're still winning. We still have our right to bare arms. We will not be defeated!

    The court's 5-4 ruling struck down the District of Columbia's ban on handguns and imperiled similar prohibitions in other cities, Chicago and San Francisco among them. Federal gun restrictions, however, were expected to remain largely intact.

  8. Yes, but they are probably left over Democrat appointee. The Democrats have been trying to get our guns, away for years. They know a gun owning society will be a free solidity. Look at what is happening in the country's around the world, were the people can not own guns. The governments are killing there own people, because the people are not enpower to stop them.

  9. they must want to hurt me. tiiddle diddle dooooo, i wont cry, i wont cry.

  10. I am surprised that the split was that close.  I don't understand how 9 guys can read the same documents and hear the same testimony and come to such opposite conclusions.  It has to be the result of a preconceived mindset and a refusal to change or consider a change to that mindset.

    The left just wants more governmental control and no resistance from the people.  Disarm the people and resistance is futile.

  11. Yes, its scary to think that if there was one more leftist judge on the Supreme Court we would not be able to have out guns for self-defense. They wanted to abolish the ownership of handguns as well.

  12. Make guns illegal.

    That way, they will be impossible to get.

    Just like marijuana.


  13. We Have GOT to send a message to the courts that is NOT in a judges job description to legislate from the bench-----------if we are going to allow judges to have this much power------then why would we need to have the house and senate????????

  14. <<In a dissent he summarized from the bench, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that the majority "would have us believe that over 200 years ago, the Framers made a choice to limit the tools available to elected officials wishing to regulate civilian uses of weapons."

    He said such evidence "is nowhere to be found." >>


    What a fool!!!

  15. bother me yes...surprise me no.  I'm just glad this was done after Bush's nominations came in or it would have been 5-4 the other way

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