
Does it bother you if you are nicer to a person than they are to you?

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Please share your experience or how you got over it




  1. No it doesn't. You can't be nice to someone and expect them to be nice to you. The world just doesn't work that way.

  2. it's kinda got to me in the past.

    I used to be nice to everyone and i got so many people being nasty out of nowhere cause they thought i was a push over.

    So as sad as it is, i keep my guard up with people now.

    And i just remember it's not a problem with me.

    Its a reflection on what kind of person they are.


  3. Pretty universal experience.  Here is how I deal with it.

    If I know in advance that I will feel used when my good deed is not returned I simply say "no"  Other times I figure that the person I am being nice to is not going to be able to give as much as I am but will probably help someone else in the future.  This scenario is cool with me because I know that there have been times when others were nicer to me than I was able to be to them.  I figure it all works out in the end.  

    So basically don't be a doormat but do "pay it forward" and assume others will too.

  4. No it makes me feel better that I was able to control any comebacks.

    I`m more mature.

  5. Nope it does not bother always get back from life what one puts in .....rubbish in = rubbish out


  6. yes!! it sucks because i feel my niceness is "unappreciated"!! people can be really ignorant of others!

  7. Not at all! Because I know if Im doing the right, good thing, I feel so great about being a good person I completley forget about how nice the other person is being. I try to help people.

    This one time this person said this said this really mean thing to me. He said I was a brainless ballerina that was just a stupid girly girl. Instead of being mean, I completley proved him WRONG. I got straight A pluses on all my exams from then on. Hed always ask me "Whadya get?" And id reply, "Oh, an A plus. No suprises there." Hed ask to see my test to prove I wasnt lying. When I showed it to him he said nothing and stopped being mean. Along with that, I tottaly rocked the talent show by doing a ballet preformance infront of the whole school. He did a skit. AFter I won the tallent show, I walked up to him and told him that he did a great job and his was really funny. He said nothing.

    After I said that I had the best feeling in the world, you know? Doing good things and being the best you can be.

    Always be the good person, it will always pay off.

    Good luck, and my best wishes to you. (  =  

  8. This happens with almost every person I know or meet.  

  9. It used to bother me, but not anymore. I have come to realize that I don't need to be aggressive or rude to get my point across. All it takes is some carefully crafted retorts that is delivered in a neutral manner to show the other person that I will not tolerate their rudeness.  

  10. Yes it does bother me.  Reciprocity and mutual benefit is what makes relationships worthwhile.  If I'm nice to someone and they won't return the favor, why bother?

  11. When I was younger I used to be a "doormat" and often got my feelings hurt.  I am older and wiser now, and on the occasion when I go out of my way to be especially nice to someone and they act badly toward me later on, I just joke about it - my favorite saying then is "No good deed goes unpunished".  Some people are "takers", and you need to learn to just shrug it off.  I never regret anything I did for anyone who "used" me...I don't treat people well expecting anything in return ~

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