
Does it bother you that EVERY SINGLE person who is an advisor to McCain is a paid lobbyist?

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most often for TIME WARNER, the insurance industry or pharmaceuticals, undoubtedly the moste hideous example of Keating Five style influence peddling, he hasnt changed, he is worse than BUSH!!!! NEO CON a la Randy Schenemann.




  1. Nah, it bothers me more that he's old and insane.  

  2. uhhh,  ......ummmm.......ahhhhhh.......

    No, but thanks for asking.

    (henceforth I will be adding the stammers, so Democrats will think me "articulate", if not "brilliant")

  3. I see where your comming from, but no, it does not bother me

  4. Sorry but the fact that he was proven not guilty when it came to the Keating Five and that not all of his staff is a lobbyist seems to go past you in wisdom. However when it comes to racism, socialism, and going back to a failed time of the former president Jimmy"Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter does not bother you then why should it bother me that Senator McCain has a few former lobbyest on his staff? Oh by the way so does Senator Obama but you failed to mention that!

  5. Notice that many of the people who responded here to your question can't actually deal with what you've said.  So instead they say nasty things about Obama.

    The difference is that the things they're saying about Obama are lies.  But it is an incontrovertible fact that McCain surrounds himself with big money lobbyists.  They can't deal with the truth very well, can they, these Republicans?

  6. That's like asking if it bothers you that the NBA has all athletes, it's part of politics, don't think Obama doesn't have an agenda also, as does everyone else in politics, that's why you have to be leary of any politician.

  7. But he was a P.O.W. and he gives the straight talk and is a maverick salt of the earth every mans man. Or something like that? They don't want to talk about his 7 houses and the cleaning staff (questionable legal status) for those 7 homes or the 500$+ shoes or how the money isn't earned by him. That he lives off his wife's money. Those points are what is going to get the heat the K5 is old news and the MSM isn't going to bite for old news.

    From Glenzilla: McCain himself isn't actually rich. He just lives off the inherited wealth of his much younger former mistress and now-second-wife -- for whom he dumped his older and disfigured first wife -- and who then used her family's money to fund McCain's political career and keep him living in extreme luxury (after insisting that he sign a prenuptial agreement, which would make McCain the first U.S. President to have one).  

  8. Brava to you!  Yes, McCain is just as corrupt at Dumbya is and was and will likely continue to be.  No politician is free of skeletons in their background closets but McCain, as part of the Keating Five, shouldn't even be allowed to run for office.  They bankrupted thousands of people and put the banking industry at risk.  Shame on him.  Furthermore, although I'm over 60, I believe he's too old for office and will only give us more of the same, if not worse.

  9. Not as much as the racist, terrorist and criminals that have Odumbers ear.  

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