
Does it bother you that McCain's VP's 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant?

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Will it affect how you vote? Does it make you second guess McCain's and Palin's abstinence only s*x ed policy? Doesn't look like it worked for her daughter.




  1. No , I'm not voting for her daughter I'm voting for Sarah.  So what her daughter messed up - and I feel terrible for her daughter because of all the back lash. The media is trying their hardest to dig up anything and everything about this women.  Just because her daughter is pregnant it is not making me change my mind who I'm voting for !!!  

  2. It doesn't look like her daughter was following that plan ( or any plan ).  The plan is 100% effective when followed, there's no question about that..

    And no, it doesn't "bother" me, as far as questioning the mother.  At that age you can't be with your kids 100% of the time.  So either what you've taught them stuck.. or it didn't.

  3. On the contrary, I'm absolutely positive that if she had practiced abstinence, she wouldn't be pregnant.  What strikes me is that the Palins stood by their "pro-life" convictions TWICE....with Trig and now this new child of Bristol's....even though abortion would have been more convenient.

  4. i always gonna vote Obama. her daughters personal problems dont concern me  

  5. exactly.

    This is proof-positive that "abstinence-only" s*x ed does not work, and despite what the McCain and Obama camps say, I think it should be brought up in discussing the election.  It speaks directly to the policies that Palin supports, and, when they do not work, you should be responsible and have to defend your position. Who knows, had Bristol been taught s*x-ed properly, this may not have even been an issue.

    I wasn't voting mccain to begin with, so my vote has not changed.  

  6. Doesn't bother me a bit. I think everyone in America knows someone or has someone in their family who fits this same description.

    What bothers me is the fact that Obama sat in an anti-American and anti-white church for 20 years and has ties to terrorists.

  7. I don't think I care much about the kids of the candidates.  How about the mama of one of the candidates?

  8. Doesn't effect my vote in the least. Whether abstinence or safe s*x...if the person chooses abstinence...there is no chance of pregnancy...if they choose safe s*x the chance for pregnancy remains. Her daughter has nothing to do with politics...I'd still go for Obama with or without this information.

  9. No, it does not bother me at all.  It will not change my vote.  

    Everyone is human, these things happen.

  10. no it doesn't bother me at all why should has nothing to do about u really think her being pregnant will affect the economy...or affect the war...NO it wont who cares if a 17 year old gets pregnant its non of my business...and it wont affect the way i vote..I'm still voting for McCain/ matter what happens!!!

  11. No it doesn't affect my vote, it wouldn't even if I planned to vote McCain

    No it doesn't make me second guess the abstinence only policy, never agreed with it anyway

    But I also don't believe in teaching s*x ed to kindergarteners

    I really don't think the actions of a child at the age when they naturally rebel against their parents teachings really has a lot of bearings on the qualifications of the mother to be the VP

    This is a family matter

    The same way it was a family matter when the exact same circumstances occurred to Obama's mother

    f the only issue for you in this election is pregnant teenagers then this should effect your vote I guess

    But I see much much bigger issues

  12. No. It's a personal thing and should have no bearing on how Palin performs her duties as Governor or if elected, the Vice Presidency.

  13. it bothers me because it seems so hypocritical if ppl accept this.  

    republicans live and breathe family values.  if palin were family focused her daughter shouldn't be having underage s*x since she would have been taught good "morals".  17 is 17 and it is irrelevant that marriage is in the offing.  she shouldn't have been having s*x according to their values.

    with such a public example like this and the lohan bunch, maybe it is time to give "moral" issues a funeral and start voting real issues such as education, economics and foreign policy, as opposed to abortion, g*y rights, etc.

  14. Yes it bothers me...she is too young to have a baby.

    Why would it effect my vote? What does it have to do with the election? I'm not voting for the daughter.

  15. or would you rather have someone like Obama who was a drug dealer and user?

  16. It's called Karma. Those people refuse to teach children to use a condom and look what happens. Morons! Birth control never hurt anyone.

    Now Palin is dealing with a mentally handicapped baby and a daughter having  baby. How does she expect to be vice president too.

    As a woman I know that family drama along with her criminal investigation she is in over her head.

    My husband is in the hospital because of his cancer and I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything. How the h**l does she expect to serve her country when she can't keep track of her own life.

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