
Does it bother you that the USA government lied about 9-11?

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MANY TIMES. If you don't believe me do the research yourself.




  1. Yes it Does!

    First the whole 911, our National emergency phone number.

    We had a lot of Training exercises happening at the same time so Traffic controllers didn't See the dramatic change of course when the planes were Hi-Jacked.

    The only flight allowed on Sept. 12 2001 was the one flying the Bin Ladens out of the country!

    Etc. . . . .

    Better Dead then Red!

    Don't worry Momma!

    I'm voting for Obama!

  2. Very much so.

    Wow the deniers are out in full force today. We either have paid agents here or young kids brainwashed by the education system. I won't stoop to their level and call them "tools" and although it fits.

    The evidence for government complicity and foreknowlege is overwhelming. That is most important. Conspiracy theories are not needed to justify a new and impartial investigation. The evidence stands for itself.

  3. You bet it bothers me. What bothers me more is all the brainwashed sheeple letting the crooks in the govt ruin our great country.  Good link U post. Thanx. Heres another.

    If those military and intelligence peeps are calling BS on the govts tall tale then whats the story with all the sheeple?

    (Yahoo is giving 999 error for my link to Wikipedia's page for Sheeple. The link is on my profile if U want it).

    Maybe they haven't figured out the mainstream media is a weapon of class warfare. It feeds us nothing but govt and corp propaganda. Before even starting to research 911 peeps should watch this film to learn about the media. It could explain why there are still so many sheeple when its obvious 911 was a false flag.

  4. I've done the research and have found no conclusive evidence that the US covered up anything regarding 9/11.  I think you should take the time and do the research.  Looking at a couple of websites doesn't constitute research.  You need in depth analysis.  

    Now, PROVE to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the US covered up anything, then I'll listen.  Otherwise, a website full of half-truths and fallacy induced arguments is a load of c**p and no worth the time spent to read it.

  5. what do you think they lie about every thing pretty much or cover it up or does something to make themselves look better how about them raping us on taxes they taxe you when you get the money taxe you when you spend it or even if your family dies an you get there money they taxe that to if you listen to what they say you arnt living your life your living the one they want you to which isn't vary fun know is it cant even smoke a joint with out getting locked up an trust me that's bad at all but they say it is

  6. No, just those who are gullible and believe so.

  7. It bothers me a lot but what bothers me the most is this nation of Mortimer Snerd's who mistakenly think that it is patriotism to believe everything your government tells you. Why can't they understand that the government is not a breathing  entity in itself but consists of corruptable men and women and that the politician who enriches himself at the public expense does not limit himself to small time graft but he and his fellows are involved in every aspect of world power and control?

    These sheeple live in a delusional world where we are a righteous nation ruled by the good guys.

    As someone said though and we can take solace in it. "truth passes through three stages. first it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed, thirdly, it is accepted as evident". We're getting there.

  8. no cuz they didnt lie to us.  you need to look into other sources besides the liberal media.  things are easily explained, though many people will argue otherwise cuz they just take everyone else's word without looking into issues for themselves.

  9. No more than it bothers me that they sell influence,

    listen to special interest lobbiists, manipulate

    economic figures, bail out 'friendly` institutions that

    made bad investments, lie about the state of the two

    minor wars they started without justification, ...........

    BTW. The 9-11 "research" site is a crock.

    I worked in construction and I oughta know.

  10. What lies?

    Please humor me.

    Will there be kool aid for your presentation?

    Although I did hear a magic bullet fired from a grassy knoll took down building seven and that Elvis was behind it from his hideout in Africa.

    You people are tools

  11. Yes... they didn't tell us about the three headed aliens that assumed control of all the airliners that the Arab terrorists hijacked.

    By the way did I mention that my girlfriend sells high quality tin foil fez's in many shapes, sizes and colors?

  12. be honest i would expect nothing less from our government

    what bothers me is the fact that most people are oblivious to the truth...and ridicule truth seekers like us...simple because they like living in the dark and wanna live in ignorance

    thats what bothers me

    theres a good lonk on my profile u may be interested in


  13. The government can't even keep it a secret that they illegally hired right wing prosecutors at the Justice Department and I'm supposed to believe this?

  14. Did the research. Just discounted the cooky, little brains that actually believe in governemntal conspiracies that can be kept secret.  Loony people!

  15. Yeah it does,

    and it seems like they lie about everything else.

    Like Area 51 how they tried to cover it up.(if you don't know wht area 51 is google it).

    Also they probably even lied about the assassination of our ex-president Kennedy.

    The government keeps alot of things hidden.

  16. When you spew garbage like this you actually empower the insane scum that killed all those people on 9/11! ! Get your head out of your a-- and grow up.

  17. interesting

  18. Yes, we had foreknowledge and intent, who gained?

    I've done thousands of hours of research over the last 4 years, most of my free time, trying to disprove what I did not want to believe.  I came to the conclusion begrudgingly, that our government is a least lying if not complicit in the 9/11 attacks.

  19. In what way? I know they lied about Iraq.

  20. AMERICA has many enemies within and they will feed the weak minded altered info knowing they will drink the KOOL AID, me thinks you should broaden your information sources and make a thoughtful, educated decision !!!!

    kool-aid drinker

  21. It bothers me that you are stupid enough to believe all the bullshit some dumass says online and call it "research"!

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