
Does it bother you that when you buy something ffrom Wal-Mart...?

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that you support the Chinese Army?




  1. What's your source? If we buy any imports aren't we supporting their government with their taxes? Even buying American, benefits Senators and Congressmen that sit on their butts and do nothing other than getting richer from inside information and we pay their salaries with taxes from our purchases.

  2. makes me insane...

    buy from local sources!

  3. what? you support the chinese army when you buy from kmart, target and all those other places too.

  4. It doesn't bother me in the least, because I don't believe it is true.  I think you are just making it up to cause trouble.   Or else you are one of those weirdos that see conspiracy behind every shrub.  Wal-Mart saves me money on lots of things.  The more money I can save on what I can purchase there, the more money I have left over at the end of a paycheck to either spend on something fun or put away for my old age.

  5. Unknowingly most people do. I shook hands with Sam Walton & other VIP's when I was a young aspiring, motivated youth. But consequently, with time I investigated the Corp. of Wally World. And yes, the low prices"Roll Backs" and support for Childrens Hospitals etc, seemed more like a glamorized cover-up. Made in the USA, ha! Ya Right! Made in China and Tawain is closer to the answer of low prices. Plus, I witnessed Mom & Pop stores dissappearing all over. I became discusted with Wal-Mart years ago. Now they have Mom & Pop as "Door Greeter's", if that ain't a slap in the face, I don't know what is.

    But Wally World will keep on growing. There stock shares are rising again. Like the Rising Sun.

    I dug up my information privatley, and would mention more names. In the end, Greed, and "doing it my way".../Sam Walton and all the other's that carry on this tradition, will get what's coming to them. I believe in Karma.

  6. does it bother you to buy gas and support radical muslims?

  7. You dont support the Chinese Army when you buy something from Walmart.  That is just an ignorant question.  Dollars spent at Walmart dont go to the Chinese Army.  At most they might eventually make it to the Chinese government, but not directly to the army.  Thats like asking:

    Does it bother you that when you drink your Lipton Iced Tea that the tea leafs were gathered by a child?

    Does it bother you that when you put on your new sports shoes that it was probably made in a sweat shop factory?

    Does it bother you that when you buy your child a toy, your first concern is if it is going to kill them???

  8. Supporting the Chinese Army is what an American does when buying something from Wal-Mart since most of its products are made in China.

  9. i dont shop there

  10. And the corporate greed that is ruining the world.  That is why I don't shop there.

  11. Yes it does.  When the old man was still alive he prided himself on selling US products and supporting our country.  That's what made Wal-Mart such a success. Now it's gone to h**l.  Not to mention the customer service they have now.

  12. Do I care? As long as its cheap and good qulity, nothing will change from only one or even 10 or even 1000 people, when you talk army, you talk billions, so dont mind!

  13. i refuse to shop there.

    they also destroy the local economies in smaller towns

  14. Thank you outsourcing.

  15. First of all, I do not shop at Wal-mart on a regular basis. I wasn't aware that I was supporting the Chinese Army whenever I purchased anything from the chain. I do know that Wal-Mart has done considerable damage to the local businesses where I live.

    But, I believe it's the ignorance and greed of the shoppers (including myself) that has allowed Wal-Mart to become as close to a monopoly as it has. We as Americans, are seemingly less concerned with the repercussions of buying products, than we are about saving a few dollars.

    Having said this, I can understand the various reasons for people choosing to shop at Wal-mart. In some areas, their prices are considerably cheaper and feeding ones family is of greater concern for many than contemplating the whole "foreign monies game."

    We have made Wal-Mart the success it is, now. The average person, in my opinion, is just providing for their families the best way they can. I see nothing particularly wrong with that. I will feed and clothe my family before I give a second thought to anything else. I refuse to feel guilt for my actions when I know that I am doing what I have to do in order to maintain the needs of my family.

    I seriously doubt that any average shopper, or anyone other than, "The Powers That Be" know exactly where any monies are being distributed to and for what purposes.

  16. Not in the least. At least I'll have a pile of Wal-Mart receipts to show to my neighborhood commissar when they take over, so instead of sitting in a gulag, I'll be getting moo-shu pork in my own house.

  17. Not really. Does it bother you that if you vote for Hillary, you are voting for more taxes and a Socialist?

  18. no it doesn't if you buy something anywhere your supporting other countries...and we are not at war with china anyway. there is hardly anything that is actually made in america you will find at the stores these days

  19. I don't know or care about "the Chinese Army".  That is completely irrelevant.  I won't shop at Wal-Mart because of the great lengths they have gone to impoverish the American public and their communities.  Wal-Mart is leader of an army of vampiric corporations whose sole objective is to bloat themselves on the hard earned money of the American public while destroying small-town American communities.

  20. how is that so ...

    if that is true it bothers me

    and by chinese you mean the communist china??

  21. It seems to matter little if you shop at Wal-Mart, or not, every retailer is hawking wares made in China.

    We must have wanted this, because if no one was buying, they wouldn't be selling.

    What "bothers" me is:

    With no one buying goods made nationally those industries no longer exist. There is going to come a point, when we have sold all our natural resources, and folks realize that you do not build wealth with an army of "desk operating do nothings", we will have virtually nothing, and become a 3rd world country, with no money. I *wonder* if China will be bothered to sell us anything then.

  22. lol .-.

    i wasnt aware of that

  23. Does the same hold true for purchasing a Chinese-made item at Target, or is this Demonize Wal-Mart Day?

  24. Unfortunately no matter where we shop most all products are imported.

    We support China, Japan, Mexico, Korea, Costa Rica, India and many others.  Your purchase of a cell phone, clothing, appliances, and even fruit contributes to these places.

    Whatever happened to MADE IN THE USA?

  25. Yes, this is why I do not shop there, ever.

  26. Umm I didn't know that until but if it affects us absolutely!

  27. Honestly where can you go that hasn't been made in China these days? And have you looked at some products that say made in the United Arab Emirates. I was eating a bag of cookies when I saw that. I wonder who were supporting over there?

  28. what is the alternative to buying something chinese, americans have stopped producing stuff..

    muahahahahaha, your own greedy capitalists are selling your country and giving your money to china(most of it to themselves).

    like colbert put it: "on one hand people are out of work on the other hand a twelvepack of tube socks for a buck ninty nine, that kind of evens itself out."

  29. I like 1-stop-shopping! I just don't have the time to run around all day trying to find everything I need. I work a lot. So I just don't have the time to worry about where things are coming from. I just know that when I need something, Wal-Mart has it.

  30. Yes. I always say -go to target, pay a few dollars more and know their employees get benefits.

  31. i didn't even know that. i guess so if that is true...

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