
Does it bother you when a guy who left a girl to drown in a lake gets a thunderous ovation?

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OK, call me stubborn or whatever, but forty years after the fact it still sticks in my craw that Ted Kennedy is viewed is a hero. Does it bug you also?




  1. No the Dems love a loser.

  2. No it doesn't. Does it bother you that OJ was cheered and worshiped after he committed murder... Does it bother you Laura Bush who killed someone is now 1st lady...Neither you or I can undo 40 years ago. I try to live in the present not the past. The man is being punished, he is going to die of brain cancer.

  3. Yes

    And for those who say he wasn't convicted..  Would you have given OJ a standing ovation?

    How do you support a hypocrite and how does he sleep in peace?

  4. I cannot allow his conduct to have free rent in my brain.

    I am powerless over Ted Kennedy and I turn my will and my life over to the care of God and let him deal with Ted in the end.

    I am not his judge nor is he mine.

  5. I was a young teenager when this event happened but I still recall my parents talking about it and my grandparents and the general public. I think many people still recall this and I guess he is cold hearted because it does not seem to bother him at all. But I do not think America will ever forget his lack of ethics and lack of compassion.

  6. Not fair, he was way too drunk to be driving let alone trying to save someone.

  7. He is a drunken idiot, the dems love idiots.

  8. When was Kennedy convicted?

  9. Dam straight it bothers me! yes.

  10. What he did does bother me.  Considering him a hero does too.  I don't care for him for that reason and many more.  He is too Liberal for my taste.  However, let those without sin cast the first stone.

  11. It bugs me, too. He's a stone cold killer in my book.

  12. yes it does.

  13. Doesn't bother me one bit.  Ted Kennedy survived a plane crash in 1962 but was left with a bad back. He could barely save himself.  If Kopechne could not unbuckle her seat belt, open the door, and float up, too d**n bad.

    What about Laura Bush k1lling her ex-boyfriend?

  14. I think it was actually a canal, but I might be wrong.

  15. Yes. The hero of Chappaquiddick should have been prosecuted and impeached from office years ago.

  16. Yes, every time I see Ted Kennedy I think about that.  It makes me sick at my stomach!

  17. Yes it bothers me, they sure swept that one under the carpet.

    Another thing that bothered me was they showed Ted Kennedy 30 years ago pushing healthcare.  He used the same speech at the convention.

    Does any body get it that those are just more Dem lies to trick the public, free healthcare will never happen with Insurance lobbyists and greedy polititians.

  18. yes.

    but they aren't applauding his homicide... they are applauding his 40 years of undermining the principles of the founding fathers.

  19. I thought it was just bad luck with the Kennedy's with Robert and John, but when it comes to Ted, all those years of alcoholism, family issues, rape at the Kennedy compound and the drowning attributed to drunk driving, I think that maybe time healed all wounds that Ted had revealed to the USA in years past, but maybe it's because of his diagnosis of cancer that is making the Democratic party feel sorry for him.

  20. Ted Kennedy is a bum & a drunk who more or less got away with homicide, even if it was an accident. He was just trying to cover his butt & not get any bad press or involve the police until he sobered up & could think of a good cover story to absolve him of any wrong doing. But look at most of the Democrats so called heroes.I guess if you can get away with murder, you can be a liberal leader. Look at the abortion issue & the people who back it.These guys are never going to get it until they stop trying to have things both ways -wrong & right are not the same.  

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