
Does it bother you when someone doesn't like you?

by Guest58335  |  earlier

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It bothers me if i have to deal with that person on a regular basis - or if that person deals regularly with/ or is related to someone i have to deal with on a regular basis.

Please tell me what i can do about hurts in my chest and stomach....even though i try to say rational stuff to my self...the feeling does not go away.




  1. find something you like about the person and stay focused on that there is bound to be something you agree on or like in that person

  2. Hurting people hurt people. This person COULD have underlying problems that make her act in this way. It could be something in YOU that she wishes she had that can't and therefore makes her insecure of herself, treating you negatively. It's not YOUR fault. You'll meet these people throughout your whole lifetime.  

  3. yeah it does, unless i have done something specific to make them not like me. It especially pisses me off when someone doesn't like me that i don't even know, because they are basically forming prejudgments on me.

  4. It sounds like you need to talk to someone.  Yeah it might bother you if someone doesn't like you but you shouldn't worry about stuff like that.  And believe I know that it's easier said than done.  

    Are you sure they don't like?  Try talking to them and find out where you two stand.  You don't have to become best buds or anything, just figure out away to be comfortable in each others presense.

    Considering it's bothering you to the point it's causing you physical discomfort I would recommend trying to find a counselor/therapist to talk to work on what's bothering you and causing you to feel this way.  

  5. yes paticulalry problem people in authority at church.

  6. The pain you feel is called tension. Your muscles are so tense, because you are trying SO hard to please.

    First of all, stop obsessing about making good impressions on everybody. It is harder to do then it sounds. You can't please everybody, and you'll only drive yourself nuts thinking about it.

    Second of all, I think you are a perfectionist in some way. Do your parents put pressure on you? A little pressure is OK, but some people just don't know when enough is enough and pressure their kids till those kids start to rebel.

    You got to relax. Concentrate on yourself, instead of trying to impress people around you. Think about what YOU want, what is that you like. When you get comfortable with YOUR choices and likes, when you accept yourself for what you are and love yourself without judging yourself -- people around you will feel it. They will be attracted to you because of your confidence in your self! And those who will not like you after that?... -- it should not matter to you. Who are they to judge you or anyone for that matter.

    Good luck. Try looking up some books at the library on building confidence.  

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