
Does it bother you when you're around several strangers and no one says "bless you" after you sneeze? ?

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Or do you not expect it?




  1. I am happy either ways.  Makes no difference to me!

  2. Not at all.   I don't believe that demons escape from my soul when I sneeze so it's okay!!!

    Edit.  I didn't mean it rude or pretentious.  Saying bless you when a person sneezes is based in folklore.  I don't think it's rude to not say it.

    Oh, just reread the your comment.....I wasn't aware that I wasn't normal.  Reading is just for losers anyway!, right?! lol

  3. I actually don't mind either way. I sometimes wish no one said anything because it is just a body function.

    i am living now in eastern Europe where people don't say bless you mush unless you are family.

    I have sneezed a few times at my ladies gym and others have sneezed and no one says anything .

    When is sneeze in the states sometimes during my yoga classes, I hate to have anyone bother with talking to me, I already feel bad that I made a noise to disrupt the class.

  4. i hate it when ppl say 'bless you' to me, i dont get it, when u cough or f**t no one says n e thing like that

  5. It do not bother me.  Very seldom when i sneeze no one says God bless you.

  6. nope. its just a sneeze

  7. It doesn't bother me at fact, just the opposite. There are certain people where I work that say that every time someone sneezes. It gets annoying after awhile.

  8. I dunno why, but some tiny corner in the back of my head is always irritated when no one says bless you or even looks up. The voice keeps sayin, "Helloo, I just sneezed! Why does no one care??" Lol, I guess I'm just weird like that.

  9. I love it!  I sneeze all the time and work near a woman who says "god bless you" to me every single time I sneeze.  As a closet Atheist, I find this very rude and dislike it immensely. I prefer to let my sneezes go by unblessed!

  10. No. And I wouldn't expect it. Few people bother with such trite mannerly behavior where I come from. It certainly isn't worth risking having a conversation with somebody.

    Maybe if I was in a smaller town, people would be more polite. But the last time I sneezed and somebody shouted at me, "Hey, why don't you go to the bathroom if you're gonna do that?" I don't even think politeness was his goal.

    Manners are usually an attack. Like, for example, I had a sub-contractor who was ripping me off and gave me some bounced checks, and when I got him on the phone to yell at him, he made me seethe with phony politeness. "Good morning, Deino! How are you? That is how you talk on the phone. Say 'good morning.'"

    And I'm like, "I hope you have a terrible morning you insolent *&^*$^&*^*(&%*%*)^%*%!!!!!!!"

    So, the point I'm trying to make is that I would never expect people to say anything, and if somebody did say "bless you," I'd probably be wary and uncomfortable about the situation because it sounds like something a con artist would do.

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