
Does it bother you when you meet one of those people who think they have you all figured out?

by  |  earlier

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And then talk about the ridiculous conclusions that they've come to about you with others?




  1. I find it sad...

    anyone who has enough time to figure me out...pretty sad...

    plus I haven't even figured my own self out, so how can they come to conclusions?

    I will agree with LARA and yeah, they are amusing some times...

    Once I was figured out as a L*****n....Ha!

  2. they annoy me because i know for sure they dont have me all figured out  like people will see me (i wear bright colorful cloths) they think im a happy peppy girl with no problems thats how i act to but i cry my self to sleep everynight

    i agree with LARA

  3. .........imagine if they were your supervisors at work

  4. My ex was a bit like that, straight after he would meet people he would have them all figured out, but in his head. It is sad, everyone is so much more than everyone thinks, everyone is just so complex that it isnt fair to figure people out.

    Everyone grows and learns over time as well, so people are also constantly changing and evolving, I hink its sad when people try to fit you in a little box, I think in their lifes there is no room for growth for their own lives as they dont consider themselves only others and how they want the world to be.

  5. No, I feel amused by them . I am a far more complex person than anyone knows and any conclusion about me is apt to be laughably  wrong.

  6. Yeah that would totally annoy me!

    But getting my feet into a little bit of spirituality.....tells me to please have patience with people and to mind my own business too. And ofcourse, to have a strong sense of groundedness....where nothing can disturb you.

    I know who I am but I am also very overly sensitive. I can get offended easily and get defensive fast. I am working on being more stable and coming to a place where such things about other people do not bother me and I can coast along life gracefully and calmly. Now that would be peace. great that u get amused. I would like to get to that place :-)

  7. Better to be talked about than to be ignored.

  8. Yes, because they rarely have taken the time to figure themselves out and that is why they have so much free time to try and "fix" the rest of us.  Tell them to keep your name off of their tongue.

  9. In general, such people are very annoying.

  10. Yes very annoying =/

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