
Does it break fasting having this on ramadan?

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My bf is palestinian and he is fasting on ramadan time. We are not married but we've been together for 6 years. Does it break his fasting if we make love during ramadan?




  1. YES it does....

    Try to stay away from him for the whole Ramadan if u care abt him practicing his religion

  2. you shouldn't have a boyfriend, let alone make love to him.

    and s*x does break your fast, even if you were both married.

  3. Are you havin' a laugh?

    I don't think you're serious, but if I'm wrong, then your boyfriend's fast is pointless. First of all, having a GF can never be justified for a Muslim, and then the illegitimate s*x in your relationship is a great sin itself, and will no doubt invalidate his fast.  

  4. Its against Islam for Pre-martial s*x.

  5. You only live once.  Do what you gotta do.

  6. even if you were married, you cant have intercourse during the day in ramadan. no one can

  7. it is haram/illegal/fobidden to have boyfriends and premarital s*x in islam especially during the holy month of ramadan (astakgfirullah)

    even if your married you can't have s*x until fast is broken

  8. s*x before marriage? Astagfirullah.

  9. Muslims are commanded to abstain from the following things while fasting from sunrise to sunset, otherwise a fast may be considered invalid.

    - food

    - drink (even water)

    - sexual intercourse (these three are allowed after sunset)

    Please read further on the purpose of Ramadhan.  

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