
Does it bug people when you can't understand them?

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I used to have a big bulky retainer in my mouth for about a year, so whenever i talked, most people couldn't understand me, so they'd always be like, "what?" "what?" It really bugs me, now, if someone didn't hear me, although it's not as often. There's this guy i like who i sit next to in class and he talks to me a lot, but he'll whisper because, you know, we're in class, and i almost never understand him. Does it bug most people as much as me when others have to say, "what?"




  1. Not really.  Whether or not we realize it sometime people really do have hearing problems. For example my dad is deaf in one ear. So if you're not speaking loud enough or clearly or if there is a lot of back ground noise he can't understand you.  Just like you get annoyed, it's just that much more annoying or frustrating for that person who is trying to listen to you, but can't understand or hear all of what you are saying.  

  2. Having to repeat myself does tend to annoy me. Especially when I have to say the same thing more than once for it to get through to someone. I think that's something that nearly everyone gets annoyed by.

  3. kinda just act like you heard him

  4. Yea it's annoying on both sides, repeating yourself a lot gets annoying, and asking "what?!" a lot is annoying too. Sometimes when i don't know what someone said i just pretend i did so we don't go through the trouble of it all. . .

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