
Does it cause a family problem if wife is more clever than the husband?

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Does it cause a family problem if wife is more clever than the husband?




  1. It could. It shouldn't, but yes it could.

    If the husband was intimidated by his wife's intelligence, he may seek other ways to dominate and control her, in order to redress the balance.

    Also, if the wife had a superior attitude about it, it would cripple her husband's self-esteem. She would need to be most mindful of protecting it.

  2. Not necessarily.

  3. I've kept it a secret from him!

  4. Yeah but only for the wife.. the husband probably wont even notice lol

  5. Only if the husband has low self esteem and is afraid of intelligent women.

  6. I was once married to a guy who was a tradesperson and performed dismally at school, and during that time I was studying for an Arts Degree and had a job earning more than him.  I was higher in IQ than him by quite a long shot, but he was very clever in other ways, such as in his trade.  I didn't have a problem with it, but my husband did, in a big way.  It reached a point where he would abuse me and belittle me every chance he got to make himself feel better, and the relationship deteriorated into violence and finally we split.  

    He still belittles me to this day, to our 11 year old son.

    However, I really do think it depends on the people involved.

  7. only if he is a male shovanis or has low self-esteem

  8. Depends what you mean

    There's nothing wrong with one partner being smarter than their other half. It happens. As long it's not a problemt between them

  9. only if YOU think so.

    and your husband... see what he thinks or if he agrees with you.

  10. only if the husband has an ego problem....women ARE clever whether you accept it or not!!! just my opinion!!!!

  11. that would be a lifetime problem for the husband and if the difference is too big maybe for the children as well. not for the wife of course.. :--)

  12. obviously not !

  13. I wouldn't know!  And yes, I am married!

  14. I am not married so I can only guess, and I can also only speak for myself.   But I do not think this should be problem as long as these few rules are followed.....Wife should not constantly remind hubby ":I am smarter than you therefore my opinion is.....Also, we all have our own assets to bring to a relationship, but both partners have to understand the others gifts.  Wife has to realize hubby's gifts and truly appreciate those gifts, not just say it but Really! mean it.  We all want to be with someone who makes us feel good about ourselves, and being constantly reminded that "I am smarter than you" does not make one happy.  Then, and sometimes this is the most difficult, hubby has to understand, has to know it deep in his bones, that he is appreciated for his own gifts.  Really, both genders want the same thing, to be appreciated for who we are and feel like our partner appreciates us for being who we are and what we offer to our partner.

  15. I do not see why it would husband is always saying that i am more cleaver then him the way he looks at it less thinking on his part. i think he is more clever them me my self and so for us it pans out well.

    IQ wise mine is higher but who cares really...intelligence is nothing when compared with things that really matter after all.

    if there is love what more do you need?

  16. Only if he's aware of that fact!

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