
Does it concern you that John McCain had first met Sarah Palin only six months ago?

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  1. It's great she's not a Washington insider like Biden.

  2. No.

  3. Nope better than the Obama-Biden ticket

  4. A very bad choice indeed and it will cost the pubs the election.

  5. Nope......who was Obama before this election?

  6. Yes.  He is using her.

  7. Six months? Did you know John McCain once went 5 years without meeting any women? If not, just ask him. I'm sure the POW card will be played soon enough whenever anyone asks him about this pick.

  8. It shows what sort of judgment (or lack thereof) that he has. How do you pick someone to run this country after just one meeting? It just goes to show that McCain cares more about winning this election that he does about what would happen to this country should he die and Palin has to take over. McCain comes first, country comes second. Sad, really.

  9. No

  10. NO! He may not have met her personally but you can bet your bum that he had her investigated up the whazoo. Do you seriously believe that he took one look at her and decided on the spot to make her his running mate. The process is slightly more complicated than that. I know it and you know it.

  11. No. You must have missed the part in your article about how he was immediately impressed with her.

  12. No, does it bother you that Obama has been a Senator for only 144 days

  13. That concerns me less than her incoherent comments about the Iraq war and apparent ignorance of what a VP does.  Not to mention the scandal she's currently involved in for abuse of power.

  14. No....When you hire your executive team, do you have to have known them for years, or do you look at their resume and verify the facts as given?

  15. no.  Are Obama and Biden bffs?

  16. I thought it was 3 days could care less as long McCain is elected--they just don't get it.  McCain is a user!

    Obama/Biden 08'

  17. Absolutely not.  

  18. And you think Joe Biden and Obama had deep conversations?  Biden was the one who wanted to run with McCain.

    Hey, if Dan Quayle can get elected VP, Palin will be easy.

  19. Im sure Biden, and Obama are best friends, and have met 4 times?

    I dont think when you hire someone, you dont hire friends

  20. No, I've never met John McCain and I support him.  I've met my Senator Barrack Obama and there is no way in the world I would vote for him.

  21. No, nobody outside of a few blocks of Chicago ever heard of Obama 3 years ago.  

    At least our good-looking, young, vibrant candidate has some substance, executive experience and patriotism!

  22. I still haven't met her, so he's ahead of me.  Haven't met him either.

    And I'm still voting for them.

  23. Not as much as Obama only working in the Senate for 143 days before he felt ready to run for president.  Or, that he talks about the need to change Washington, set priorities, and "make hard choices," but when in the Illinois Senate he couldn't choose Yes or No and instead chose "Present" 129 times.

  24. Nope. Obviously she made an impression.

  25. No ,

    Does it bother you that Obama campainging on change selected the epitomy of Washington's corrupt system as a VP candidate.

  26. No it is good.  

  27. Joe and Obama didnt exactly grow up together

  28. It shouldn't. There are people we met twice, once or never yet know what they are capable of doing. What would have concerned me if I were American is, however, how desperate is the decision.

  29. No, he picked a VP, not a drinking buddy.  Who cares if they have been friends in the past....In fact, if they had been, how many of you would have been decrying THAT fact, and saying it was in "inside job"

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