
Does it concern you that a woman who made up names for he children could be VP ?

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is Trig good at math ?

can Track run really fast ?

does Bristol want to race in NASCAR ?




  1. Not in the least.  What in the world is a name like Barak Hussein Obama.  Now that name concerns me.


  2. I agree that they are not cute names, especially Bristol for a girl and Trig Paxton Van Palin.  

  3. Ha, those names are awful!!!!!!!!!

    I don't like Sarah Palin because of her whacked out policies and hypocrisy, not because of her children's names.  You have to admit though, those are whacked out names.

  4. Haha NO.

    A lot of people with rather common names (ie: SARAH) often name there children more unique names so they don't have to be Michael P.

  5. What?  This makes no sense.   Palins kids names are unique, would you prefer her to name them after a fruit like that movie star did like the name Apple?    At least Palins kids names are cute and original.

  6. If you are referring to the names of Palin's kids you better be careful because "Barrack Obama" isn't exactly a great name choice either.

  7. Like you made up yours? lol. How sad you show your ignorance when you try and be clever. Left WIng Loon Alert!

  8. I think this separates her children from a common name person names.  She's  a person with different ideas and is not going to be a say and not do person.  

  9. She didn't make those  names up. I thought I addressed this in another question. Bristol is from Bristol Bay. Willow is a popular name taken from cheezy 80's fantasy movies. Piper is from the tv show "Charmed." Trig is short for trigger (as in trigger happy) Track...think about it--it makes sense if you are a runner.

  10. Well, I the names are pretty different.  That shows you how she has strong traditional values AND likes to still be creative at the same time.

  11. NO i'd rather elect a man with a Muslim Name very similar by the way to Osama Bin Ladin or Sadam Hussein ,that would definatelly make me fell all warm inside, and very safe.

    I think it says that she doesn't conform and I love that about her

  12. I thought those names were different kinds of THC.  I guess I need to read more.

  13. have you attended a PTA meeting recently???...either the kids there had there names spelled phonetically, their parents didn't get past the sixth grade reading level (thanks to NO Child Left Behind - Or EDUCATED), or naming your kid after a Japanese car model is PERFECTLY least Sarah's kids all have a cute story associated with their names...

  14. No. Why should it.

    Millions of families make up names for their children.

    Are you upset because she didn't choose cutesy names like most ninny's do?

  15. Does Willow wanted to go into the logging industry?


  16. why is ok for her to make up names for her kids, but most whitey's would scowl at my childrens names?

    Kezia for instance, my daughter, her name came from the bible, but whitey just shakes their head,

    you forgot willow, will she be a midget who is a sorcerer and saves babies?

  17. I'm not seeing the correlation between how a person named their own children and how that person will do if they become the vice president.

    It's really a non-issue, whether a person is Republican or Democrat.

  18. She's very creative.  I really like the names!

    And what's the big deal??? There's alot of people that do that!

  19. Seriously?  It's questions like this that have the Republicans calling Dems names!

  20. Not at all.  But I'm not surprised it concerns you, since you have been following a pied piper without any other real plans than to 'change!'  Which really isn't a plan, it's just a word.

  21. You ever hear the names of Bikerack Alibama supporters give their kids, they are just goofy! How about his name, it is Black Irish according to Dan Quayle!

  22. Nope that doesn't concern me at all but I wouldn't vote for her simply because she is with McCain which sucks. Any other time I'd be a fan but the last thing I want to see in office again is another set of republicans for now. If they were VPs and Presidents of companies they'd be fired and probably charged with crimes by now.

    But Palin seems great. McCain doesn't seem that bad either but having more republicans in office is kind of like them getting away with murder...literally if you really think about it. It says no matter what, we will always vote you in despite wars, poverty, oil prices, recession, debt and job loss. And sadly, maybe we will.

  23. I hope that it is not our business what she names her children. I love original names, not just the ones that are spelled strangely for the sake of being different, but the ones that are truly different.

  24. Michelle Obama is not running for office. This isn't a valid subject for discussion.

  25. The names are scary in their own right, but it terrifies me even more than she's a narrow-minded, book burning, anti-woman, anti-choice harpie.

  26. LMAO! Yea, we were talking about that in class today, that's funny. Especially Trig.

  27. When did they let school out today?

    The questions on here a first grader could ask better.

    What concerns me is where this nation is headed if Barack Hussein Obama II gets in the White House.   When will the next attack be on this country and how in the h**l will he react?  At least with John McCain in office we know he will react ASAP.  

  28. She got the names from an outdoor gear catalogue.

  29. Yes it really concerns me. : |

    that Cynthia McKinney is being over shadowed by the inexperienced White woman, Sarah Pallin.  

  30. made up names? her children are named after places in Alaska...or things dear to them. I hardly call that making up names.

    Now if her daughter's name was Obristol or LaBristol then there would be a problem! :)

  31. Wow! No, it doesn't but ur way of thinking kind of does!

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