
Does it cost anything to adopt a child from Africa (besides the airline ticket)?

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I don't understand why some of you are being so judgmental!

No, I am not looking for a bargain baby if that's what you think!

For God's sake, can't someone ask a question for the sake of knowledge?

Why do some of you always try to read between the lines and end up drawing false conclusions about people?

Like, duh, if you want to answer - go ahead... if my question bothers you, then don't answer it!!!

queryweary: I hate you too because you have just judged me wrongly and unfairly and I hate people like you who run around trying to find things to judge people about!!!




  1. Ask Madonna and Angelina.

    That's where you got the idea, right?

    Noodles:  Yes, you're right.  I'm jealous of people who desire to strip mine other countries of their children.

  2. yes

    i dont know the number, but it's well over 10,000

  3. Not if you're rich and an ambassador for the U.N.

  4. Of course it does. If it was as simple as hopping on a plane and getting a free kid, no hassle no pay, it'd be a free-for-all for people looking for child slaves, child prostitutes and any other kind of unspeakable act people want children for.

    Here is a sample of the types of costs you can expect when adopting from the African country of Lesotho -

    ·        Homestudy Fees: $500 to $3000 (depends on your state and social worker)

    ·        USCIS I-600a fees:  $545

    ·        USCIS fingerprinting fees: $70 per adult over 18 in the household

    ·        Notarization and Certified Copies: $0 to $100+

    ·        Application Fee: $500

    ·        Program Fee: $6000

    ·        Each sibling adopted at same time: $3250

    ·        Foreign Fee:  $5200

    ·        Each sibling adopted at same time: $4600

    ·        Home study review fee (for clients using outside home study agencies): $395

    ·        Post Placement Reports for out-of-state clients: $1625 (can provide statement from home study agency verifying prepayment of Post-Placement reports instead)

    ·        Re-adoption in the US: $200 to $2000 (varies by state and attorney)

    ·        US Visa Fee and medical exam:  $500

    ·        Airfare:  $1500 to $2500 for each traveling adult (varies by time of year)

    ·        Child Airfare:  approx $800

    ·        Hotel:  $200 per month (14-20 days)

    ·        Food:  $20 per adult per day (14-20 days) 560-800

    ·        Transportation:  $20 per day 280-400

    Some programs are a little less expensive, some are more expensive and the costs also differ by agency or whether you do an independent adoption, but this gives you an idea of the costs involved. As you can see, all together it is more than $20,000.

  5. An extreme amount..anywhere from 10k-40k, and there's also a long waiting list..

  6. It costs more than the plane ticket to get there, i can guarantee that.  People have gone into debt to adopt aboard. So, i would think it costs a lot. Why, are you looking? If so I would suggest to do lots and lots of research. You would need to count the costs. Are you physically,emotionally,financially prepared for a child. Can you handle any questions that might arise once the child gets older about his birth family. Adopting a child is a heavy responsibility and it comes with it's own set of issues. If you are just asking because you are curious..maybe re-wording or explaining the question might help.

  7. yes it does cost money. international adoption is quite expensive.

  8. of course it does.  what do you think you get dropped off in the middle of the desert and get out your walmart baby snare?  these are human beings not a wild dog.

  9. Yes it costs a lot. You need to check with the country you are adopting from. Any Muslim country in Northern Africa will not adopt their children out to non Muslims. Northern Africa is from Nigeria to Morocco to Egypt to Sudan.

  10. Of course it does. Go to for more information. If you are in the USA and want a child from Africa, you are looking at a minimum of $18k-$25k for an international adoption.

  11. Pardon? Even if it didn't cost anything (& it does) wouldn't you want the fee to go to the orphanage? I would hope so.

    Oh Sunny, you poor thing. I pity you. Your jealousy, projection and misplaced anger knows no bounds.

  12. Yes. While international adoption fees for countries such as Ethiopia and Liberia are less then some other countries, fees are usually still around $15,000- $20,000.

    This goes to cover costs associated with running the orphanges, and the agency in the US, the homestudy, fingerprints, dossier for the adoptive family, medical care, food, and other supplies for the children, salaries for social workers, and caregivers, court and other legal fees, travel, and other expences for family while in the country, ect. These countries do not have the funds for social welfare programs like we do here, and the money to provide for these children and facilitate legal adoptions have to come from somewhere.

  13. it costs money for any adoption except thru foster care

  14. yes it does

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